Etheric Studies

Everything I Write is Intended to Further My Understanding
You Are Invited to Join My Journey


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A Tool to Help Your Seeking

The essays on this website represent my efforts to understand our spiritual nature and the reality we inhabit. They are written to be a useful tool for you. Their subject matter is complex, so I am available to answer questions via the Contact Link at the bottom of every page. I also also try to respond to  comments at the bottom of the articles.

My Current Project: The Hermit’s Light

Not yet published

It is likely that everyone intends to practice discernment in their decision-making. However, for most of us, our decisions are made from the perspective of our human instincts and what our culture has taught us.

We base our choices on what we have been taught is true. We experience reality as we expect and not its actual nature.

A very few of us come to realize that we are more than our physical body and that discernment means making decisions more based on the actual nature of reality than on the influence of our human instincts or popular wisdom.

The old ones described this realization as enlightenment. Enlightenment is not an event. It is the gradual process of learning to question our “truths.”

In my writing, I characterize people who consciously seek to become more enlightened as “Seekers.” Following the “Seeker’s Way” amounts to seeking to understand our personal nature, the nature of reality and our relationship with reality.

The Lucidity Model Diagram illustrates a useful way of looking at the seeker’s objective. The Hermit’s Light is a compilation of essays written to explain the Seeker’s Way and the lessons I think will help you progress toward greater by consciously cultivating discerning intellect.

Planning for the Future: I turn 80 this year and am not in the best of health. With that in mind, it is prudent for me to make arrangements for the continued availability of this material.  I am concerned with the integrity of my writing after my transition. The most practical solution I have found is to compile the essays into a few books and place them on Amazon. I have done this for and am doing so for Amazon will apparently host the books for years. Also, I am making arrangements to hand over the digital source material to someone who is younger. 

Your feedback, comments and reviews help

All of my material is published under the Creative Commons License. You are welcome to use the material with proper attribution. All I ask is that, if you benefit from this material, consider purchasing one of the books published by AA-EVP Publishing. We have no way of knowing how we are doing without your feedback.

AA-EVP Publishing

My books and the ATransC books are published as AA-EVP Publishing. All proceeds from the books are used to support the ATransC and this website.



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