A Personal Code of Ethics for the Mindful Way


Updated Also see The Mindful Way. I recommend the books: Your Immortal Self: exploring the mindful way Exploring the Mindful Way. Introduction The National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) Declaration of Principles functions as an outline for a personal ethics code based on the understanding that our “… existence and personal identity continue after the change called death” (Principle 4). … Read more

Etheric Fields

Abstract In designing a model to describe the implications of the Trans-Survival Hypothesis, it became clear that etheric space (greater reality, nonphysical) must be described in terms of conceptual influences, rather than physical forces. The field concept best describes conceptual influences and is useful as a basic building block to model reality. This Discourse discusses … Read more

– Seeking 101 Index

Introduction We exist to gain understanding of our world through experience, thereby furthering our collective’s understanding of reality. We do this with the habitual expression of intention to understand the implications of our actions and learning to live in accordance with that understanding. That is the Mindful Way of the seeker. A series of Discourses … Read more

Discourse 1: Lucidity

Seeking 101     Think of yourself as two people sharing the same body. One is your inner seeker, ever striving to be at one with nature and your spiritual self. The other is your outward human that is driven by the instinct to assure the continuation of the gene pool. Both of you must … Read more


This is a list of links I frequently find myself looking for when I wish to provide a further reading reference. Use with great discernment! I do not necessarily endorse the contents of the target material. Some contain useful information and some contain examples of what does not make sense. Ignorance Vortex: Disbelief > Ignore … Read more


Opinion 7 Abstract Time and again, I have encountered people who say that an instance of claimed paranormal phenomena is fake. Practitioners are rarely given an opportunity to explain their work, and the skeptics virtually never explain how they think it is possible to fake the work. With no discussion of alternative theories, there can … Read more