Winter Solstice as a Parable for Progression

Winter picture from Logo: Sharing – composite based on January is a good time to stand back and consider what we are doing, where we are trying to go and whether or not we are on a path that is right for us. I begin with a discussion about the implications of the Winter … Read more

Healing Intention

Abstract You may know this subject as spiritual healing. Perhaps a more progressive term is energy healing, but if you really want to be technically correct, I believe “biofield therapy” is the term becoming popular in parapsychology. In their essence, the various modalities of healing involve the expression of a practitioner’s (the healer) intention to … Read more

How We Think

Introduction to How We Think Current understanding of how we think is shedding important light on how we might seek to improve ourselves, our psi functioning and our relationship with the community. As it turns out, the body-centric perspective of I think I am this is simply not supported by current research. New thought is … Read more

A Strange and Perplexing Characteristic of Our Extended Community

Previously published in the Winter 2014 ATransC  NewsJournal Dr. Ferdinando Bersani reported on the work of the Bologna Center for Parapsychological Studies (CSP) at the 2013 Parapsychological Association conference in Italy.1 In part, he reported that: “At the beginning of the seventies, the Raudive Voices phenomenon (or ‘metaphonia’) attracted the CSP’s attention, since it became … Read more


Abstract Communication between a physical person and a discarnate person has been reported throughout history. It is referred to here as transcommunication (“trans-” for across the veil.) Historical reports were typically in a religious context such as God talking to Moses as reported in the Bible. Today, transcommunication is more often reported as contact between … Read more


Abstract Reality is seen in the Implicit Cosmology as an evolving and relative characteristic of all there is. And here, “all there is” must be defined as the life field referred to in this cosmology as Source. That would make Source’s life field the reality field. Reality is “relative” because as it is perceived by … Read more