Opinion 5
If we are immortal personality experiencing a lifetime as a human, is it possible our pets also serve as an avatar for an immortal personality? If so, is it reasonable to extend the logic to say our computers might also be sentient; perhaps not now, but in the future? This essay is an exploration of the limits bounding what can and cannot be an avatar.
Avatar is a Sanskrit term meaning descent. As it is used in Hinduism, an avatar is a deity that deliberately returns to life on earth as a person. The term can be translated into English as incarnation. In this Opinion, avatar is intended in the same sense used in Hinduism, except that our immortal self is the deity. A person is defined in the Implicit Cosmology as an immortal self entangled with a human body in an avatar relationship.
Presumably, all humans are an avatar for an immortal self. My objective is to suggest details about the avatar relationship and to show that the model does not preclude other species from being avatars.
Considering how we think transform Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are formed, I will suggest the possibility that an electronic device might also serve as an avatar. I explore the implications of personage without human instincts.
Please note that this essay was written for a website. Except for three references, links are to online reference, rather than to references at the end of this document. Links followed by ↓ or ↑ are internal links. All else are external. Art modified from a piece by Pete Linforth (pixabay.com/en/users/TheDigitalArtist-202249/)
Appendix: Spiritual Anatomy
A brief discussion about the life field model used in the Implicit Cosmology is provided in the Spiritual Anatomy,↓ Appendix at the end of this essay. Please refer to that section if you need clarification about the interaction of functional areas in a life field.
Avatar in the Media
A popular science fiction theme is a computer that has become sentient or the artificial intelligence program so effectively mimics a person that the computer may as well be sentient. For instance, a super-computer housed in a fortified bunker may have such an advanced artificial intelligence program that it possesses all the cold calculating characteristics of a human, but which being a machine, lacks human compassion.
Another popular storyline is an unexpected programming error or environmental accident that causes a robot to become sentient; not just life-like, but actually alive. In this case, the more exciting struggle for survival overshadows metaphysical questions concerning the relationship between inherited instincts and purpose. Such science fiction plots make for good entertainment.
While watching one of the robot-turned-human television programs, I began to wonder what would be necessary for a computer to act as an avatar for immortal self. The wording here is very important. One set of requirements are needed if we are our body and consciousness is the product of the brain; however, the evidence seems to indicate that our consciousness is separate from our body. In that case, a computer must be able to interface etheric mind with physical capability.
Looking at it that way, and considering the nature of some trans-etheric phenomena, it may be possible for a computer to function as an avatar. To understand why I say this, it is necessary to understand what we think we know about the avatar relationship.
I sometimes refer to mental signals as psi, as the term is used in parapsychology in reference to the hypothetical Psi Filed. As it is treated in the Implicit Cosmology, the Psi Field is synonymous with etheric, the etheric or etheric space.
The Avatar Model
The main point to remember about an avatar relationship is that there is a host organism which is adapted to the intended environment and an organism in a symbiotic relationship with the host to experience the intended environment. The Avatar movie illustrated the relationship rather well. The Trans-Survival Hypothesis provides the foundation arguments for why this is true and the Implicit Cosmology explains how it may be true.
It is for you to understand the concepts while asking if they are sensible. If in doubt, you would help both of us by asking questions and offering your suggestions and speaking your objections. Comment on the website or send a message to me via the Contact Tool at the bottom of every page. Ideally, you would register for the ATransC Idea Exchange and begin a thread about your comments. There, others might join in.
The survival hypothesis is mostly referred to in parapsychology in terms of “Oh yes, and some people think we survive death.” Little explanation is given, and in most cases, survival is treated as survived memory rather than survived sentient personality.
Virtually all my writing in the last ten years or so has been concerned with developing a more robust definition of the survival hypothesis. I base the Trans-Survival Hypothesis on emerging mainstream understanding about how we think, parapsychological research of the Psi Field (the etheric or etheric space), psi functioning (psychic) and lessons learned from our study of transcommunication (mediumship, Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC) which includes Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP). In ITC, the trans- prefix is used to represent across the veil between the etheric and physical.
As I remember the movie, the human was able to effectively interact with the avatar’s world because the clone’s genetic makeup had evolved on that world and the instincts developed by its species influenced the human’s actions. The avatar clone was based on genes from the native species and the person who was to entangle with the clone. The man that controlled the avatar represents the point of view of the avatar’s core intelligence. In fact, the man was the actual person and the cloned native was little more than a space suit which was well-adapted to the alien world. The man experienced the planet by way of the native’s five senses and instincts.
The audience viewing the movie was expected to accept the point of view of the avatar as the person even though the avatar was really just a means by which the human was able to interact with that world. That is as it is when someone looks at you. They see your human body as you.
Characteristics of an Avatar Relationship
To understand the avatar relationship, it is helpful to be clear about the different perspectives taken by the host (a life field), the symbiont (a life field) and the entangled host-symbiont organism (two life fields sharing mental facilities).
Life Field: As explained in Spiritual Anatomy,↓ (Appendix), an instance of life is modeled in the Implicit Cosmology as functional areas bound by a Core Intelligence (I am this) that exists to gain understanding from experiences. The characteristics of a life field include:
- The ability to remember and respond to inherited purpose. This is the Core Intelligence↓ (Appendix) as the seat of personality (I am this). It is the Observer characteristic but not the Experiencer or Judge.
- The Personality experiences reality with the Conscious Self (I think I am this) by way of the Attention Complex↓ (Appendix).
- The Personality experiences reality with the Conscious Self (I think I am this) by way of the Attention Complex↓ (Appendix).
- The ability to sense, process and express information. This is the Attention Complex.
- It maintains a memory field that represents inherited instincts, memory of experiences and acquired understanding. This memory field is known as Worldview↓ (Appendix) which is supported in the Attention Complex.
- It develops a perception of reality based on prior understanding inherited from its local source modified by local environmental signals.
- It is a member of a nested hierarchy of life fields.
- Other life fields in its nest of the hierarchy function as its collective, all of which is related to a local source.
- The top life field of the nested hierarchy is best referred to as Source which is the reality field.
- For the top life field of a nest in the hierarchy, its field is the reality field for its aspect life fields.
- The aspect life fields inherit purpose from their local source and cooperate as a collective to fulfill that purpose.
Host: An organism that has evolved to survive in the objective environment of the physical. The implications of this include:
- The host organism has evolved instincts which serve to adapt it to the physical environment and facilitate perpetuation of the species. The instincts represent the organism’s purpose.
- Left to itself, those instincts will control the host’s behavior.
- It should be expected that all the host’s actions are directed toward continuation of its gene pool.
- The host organism consists of a nested hierarchy of life fields representing its various structures such as bones, skin and hair.
- The top life field (organism) of the nested hierarchy is best referred to here as the Body Mind which maintains the body image. (In our case, the top life field is our human body.)
- The life fields representing parts of the organism (skin, bone, blood) are etheric and express their part of the organism as an objective expression.
- The host organism has evolved instincts which serve to adapt it to the physical environment and facilitate perpetuation of the species. The instincts represent the organism’s purpose.
It is helpful for understanding my point if you keep in mind the difference between the conceptual nature of a life field and the objective nature of the life field’s expression when that expression is intended to be physical. For instance, a conceptual skin cell life field expresses an objective cell.
- As a life field fractal, each life field in the organism has the functional areas described in the Spiritual Anatomy↓ Appendix, but more-or-less expressed as circumstances require and as directed by the Body Mind.
- The Body Mind is functionally equivalent to Personality and Core Intelligence discussed in the Appendix.
Symbiont: A life field that has evolved in the conceptual environment of the etheric. The implications of this include:
- The symbiont life field has evolved instincts which serve to adapt it to the nonphysical environment and facilitate fulfillment of the inherited imperative to gain understanding about the nature of its environment.
- In this model, the symbiont life field’s instincts are referred to here as spiritual instincts representing purpose and previously acquired understanding. These are inherited from a local source. (As it is modeled, the local source is either Source, an aspect of Source or an aspect of Source that is many rounds of aspectation removed.)
- Since the symbiont life field gains understanding through experiences. It is drawn to experiences which offer an opportunity to gain understanding which best satisfies it’s imperative.
- It is limited to experiences with which it is in perceptual agreement. That is, it must be able to imagine the source of the experience and that imagining is based on memory.
- The symbiont life field is drawn to a host organism which might provide it useful experiences.
Entangled Host-Symbiont Organism: This is the avatar relationship. At the moment of birth (possibly when the baby leaves the biofield of the mother), an etheric life field becomes entangled with the human as a physical person. The implications of this include:
- The human and the symbiont share the symbiont’s Attention Complex.
- Without a moderating influence of the symbiont, the human will act out its survival instincts.
- Behavior in the first years of a person’s lifetime is dominated by human instincts.
- A maturing person is one for whom the symbiont can moderate behavior with inherited and acquired understanding.
- The perceptual process is more inclined to turn toward survival-related experiences during the person’s youth, but as the human ages, perception turns more toward experiences contributing to greater understanding related to the symbiont’s imperative.
- The physical health of the person is the health of the human.
- The symbiont maintains a conscious self perspective as if peering into the physical world through the human’s eyes.
- This I think I am this perspective is accomplished via the shared Attention Complex.
- The human’s brain acts as a physical-to-psi-to-physical transformer enabling conversion of the five bodily senses into a form usable in the Attention Complex for perception and commands to the body from the Attention Complex for expression. (psi or etheric signals)
- With the shared perception the conscious self point of view of the symbiont is the conscious self point of view of the human.
- When the human is sleeping, or the conscious self is otherwise dissociated from the body, the human’s influence via Worldview remains.
- Many behavioral problems likely stem from the inability of the symbiont to manage the avatar’s instinctual behavior. Failure of all or part of the physical-to-psi-to-physical interface may produce symptoms of mental illness.
- In the event of a near-death experience or actual death of the body, the human’s influence on worldview ceases.
- The tunnel experience during a near-death experience may be the effect of being away from the human’s influence in Worldview for the first time.
- Physical experiences are modeled as collectively agreed on translations of otherwise conceptual expressions. For the understanding to be gained, it is apparently necessary for experiences to be accepted as real. However, as the symbiont gains in understanding and becomes more self-aware, a phase change may be experienced in which it recognizes its etheric nature and the illusory nature of objective, physical space.
- Lucidity is the ability to consciously intend to sense environmental psi information before it is translated in the Attention Complex.
- Awareness of its etheric nature may lead the symbiont to consciously seek greater lucidity.
- A reasonable speculation is that consciously seeking lucidity increases the possibilities for greater understanding.
Primary and Transient Identities
An old saying that seems to describe our search for spiritual maturity goes like this: “It is difficult to remember that our task is to drain the swamp when we are up to our neck in alligators.” The avatar relationship is very convincing. In fact, it seems intended that we forget that it is a temporary experience and our real objective is to gain understanding. Even so, there are ways to recognize our true self behind the curtain.
- I am my body. Think of me, the person (as Tom Butler, for instance).
- My prime imperative is to perpetuate my gene pool. This translates as:
- I put myself and my family first (voting, resource consumption).
- I will do anything to increase the security of my gene pool.
- My sense of success in life is material equals power equals survival.
- By acting out (loud music, noisy car, reckless driving, boisterous drinking), I distinguish myself to attract a better mate and gain authority over others.
- When this lifetime is over, I cease to exist. (Body Mind probably merges with a collective consciousness specific to my species.)
Immortal Self-centric
- I am an immortal being.
- My body is my avatar for this lifetime. Think of my body as Mr. Butler (of the Butler family of humans) and me the immortal self as Tom (my self-name).
- The health and wellbeing of my human are to be respected and protected.
- As my avatar, my human’s instincts are part of my worldview. This translate as:
- Every decision I make (to think, to act, to seek) is influenced by my human’s instincts.
- My ability to sense my actual nature as an immortal self is based on how well I manage my human’s instincts and how well I base understanding on my immortality.
- My prime imperative is to gain understanding about the nature of reality by experiencing life as a person. This translates as:
- All experiences give me an opportunity to gain important understanding.
- It is not what happens to me that matters. How I react to and learn from what happens to me does matter.
- I am part of a community in which I cooperate with others to gain understanding.
- My progression is measured by my personal experience and the progression of my community.
- I existed before this lifetime and I will exist after: That translates as:
- The importance of an experience is measured by the opportunity to gain understanding and not by its value in human society.
- What I do now matters forever.
- Lucidity
Requirements of an Avatar
To speak of a person as an immortal personality entangled with a human in an avatar relationship, it is necessary to have some sense of how the entanglement might be possible. In the same way, saying the brain is a transmitter-receiver for converting physical senses into psi signals and psi signals into body movement commands, requires a possible mechanism.
The good news is that I think existing studies provide the necessary support. But first, here are the requirements that seem necessary for a useful avatar:
- It should have a highly chaotic signal processing environment which is able to change the state of physical outputs to produce sound and movement.
- In the case of a human, the brain consists of a highly chaotic signal processing environment which is interfaced to the five senses.
- The human brain is wired to instruct the limbs and vocal apparatus.
- It should be adapted to its native environment and have mobility, survivability and perception of the environment.
- It should be a member of a community which enables social mobility.
It is not necessary that the avatar is an apex predator or part of a community that enables retention of learned experiences. Much can be learned as a one-cell organism. Conversely, it may be helpful for the avatar to be part of a highly organized society if some of the more complex lessons are to be had.
In short, the avatar must provide a means of an entangled personality to have experiences that offer the opportunity for increased understanding.
Requirements for an Avatar Relationship
Okay, so this is where I finally talk about the reason I wrote this essay. I have told you enough about our spiritual anatomy for you to follow the next point. Also, refer to the Appendix for clarification of spiritual anatomy.
My Cat is an Avatar
Do you have a pet? To tell you the truth, if you told me that my cat is really a watcher drone for alien visitors, I would have to at least consider the possibility. It is not that he is especially smart, it is just that he misses nothing. He can be sound asleep in a back room and suddenly appear when I begin a project … as if to say, “Whatcha doing? Can I help?”
My cat talks. He greets me with a little mew when he comes into the bathroom to bug me, he talks to himself when he is exploring and happily announces that he is about to get onto forbidden surfaces. I suspect he would drive us crazy with incessant questions and inane conversation if he could speak human words.
Scientists are beginning to see that pet owners were right all along. Animals other than humans have emotions, feel embarrassment, love and miss one another. They have all the necessary characteristics to be an avatar. A good example is the grey parrot named N’Kisi studied by Rupert Sheldrake.
Form Limits Expression
In the Implicit Cosmology, the life field complex model can be applied to all forms of life. Each form of life more or less expresses life field characteristics. For instance, animals have all the necessary characteristics to be an avatar, but they may not be equipped to express those characteristics in ways we associate with humans, or even with intelligence.
N’Kisi the parrot is a good example. Most birds are not designed for human speech. Birds are not equipped with hands but can grip with their feet. They are also known to use tools.
Many of the lessons we can learn with a human avatar can also be learned with other species. Animals have been shown to have social structures supported by a vocabulary of sorts which is suitable for the animal’s body.
It is probable that we as immortal self have evolved with humans so that we are accustomed to entanglement with them. Knowing what we know about how mind is able to influence physical processes, it is also possible human evolution has been guided to best support our needs. If we defined our needs in a different way, say the need for understanding related to existence as a prey animal, is it not equally possible that the evolution of cows or dear might be guided to satisfy a different set of needs in an avatar?
In terms of the organism acting as an avatar, body functions are maintained by the autonomic nervous system. Your human, for instance, will function as a complete organism without your influence. The Body Mind maintains the instruction set. It may be that the Body Mind interfaces with a collective consciousness not unlike the one I describe for our conscious self. This would be the memory field holding Nature’s Habit as described by Rupert Sheldrake in the Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
Each organism has a brain which, according to the Implicit Cosmology, supports the necessary etheric mind-physical body exchange of sensory information and body commands. Biologists should be able to extend the logic down the chain of complexity. For instance, insects are known to be mostly controlled by a few simple decisions such as run away, attack and eat. A large complex brain may not serve their primary instinct to survive and perpetuate the gene pool. What might we learn as a spider?
Different worldview
Try to imagine what it might be like if you could share your mind with a person of the opposite sex. I do not mean for you to try to look into another person’s mind. I mean imagine merging your mid with another person.
One of the first things you might notice is that you suddenly have conflicting urges related to the idea of protection and family. Those urges would come from the person’s human instincts. While the human instincts may not dominate for a mature person, they are always present and biasing the person’s behavior.
The point is that our human instincts are always with us while we are entangled. It is probable that etheric personalities have entangled with humans in an avatar relationship over countless generations. We have come to know the humans and the relationship seems agreeable.
We do not know what the worldview of other animals is like. We are apparently loosely coupled with our collective. It is possible other animals are more closely coupled so that they operate with more of a group mind. The question is important because, should we entangle with another species for a lifetime, trying to integrate with the animal’s worldview might be something of a shock. Would we be shocked if we expected an instinct to run and ended up climbing a tree?
I will leave such speculation to others.
Mind-Machine Interface
It is well-established that mind is able to influence matter. The ability is referred to in parapsychology as psychokinesis. Three examples come to mind:
Random processes
Experiments Investigating the Influence of Intention on Random and Pseudorandom Events, Dean Radin, Jessica Utts. 1989
Abstract: Eight of 27 experiments using a random event generator provided statistical evidence supporting a claimed correlation between intention and the distribution of random events. Twelve control tests produced results conforming closely to chance expectation.
Global Consciousness Project: Meaningful Correlations in Random Data
From the website: When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.
Quantum phenomena
Consciousness and the double-slit interference pattern: Six experiments, Dean Radin, Leena Michel, Karla Galdamez, Paul Wendland, Robert Rickenbach. 2012
Abstract: A double-slit optical system was used to test the possible role of consciousness in the collapse of the quantum wavefunction. The ratio of the interference pattern’s double-slit spectral, power to its single-slit spectral power was predicted to decrease when attention was focused toward the double slit as compared to away from it. … The results appear to be consistent with a consciousness-related interpretation of the quantum measurement problem. (quantum objects appear to behave differently when observed than when unobserved)
Electronic Voice Phenomena
A Model for EVP, Tom Butler. 2017
Abstract: This is an explanation of the model being considered by the Association TransCommunication (ATransC) to help study Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). The model is based on lessons learned from instrumental and personal forms of mediumship, theories related to psi functioning and mainstream emerging understanding of the relationship between unconscious and conscious mind. The model is applicable to the study of many forms of transcommunication and may further understanding of mindfulness.
Visual ITC
Holographic ITC, Tom Butler. 2010
Abstract: A hypothesis is proposed to explain why multiple face-like features are often found in individual frames of recorded video-loop noise.

Perception of Visual ITC Images, Tom Butler. 2010
Abstract: In visual Instrumental TransCommunication (Visual ITC), recognizable features are found in what should be only random optical noise. No known physical principles account for the phenomenal features and they may be found in virtually any sufficiently noisy media. The Examples and Techniques sections of this website include several such techniques for capturing the features. This report includes results of an online viewing study in which website visitors were asked to describe what they saw in unmarked visual ITC images.
Of the seven examples, an average of 61% of respondents correctly identified the feature. Each example was presented with original, grayscale and increased contrast versions. The increased contrast version was most often correctly identified.
Computer as Avatar
As you can probably tell from the cover illustration, everything I have written here has been to establish a reason to argue that a computer could function as an avatar. Here are my thoughts.
Design Considerations
For a computer to be an avatar, it is necessary for electronic components to convert commands from the guest life field into physical action. These commands would produce speech and movement.
It is also necessary for electronic components to convert physical information into a psi signal usable by the guest life field. The physical information would be in the form of signals from environmental sensors such as vision, smell and touch.
Mind can influence technology
We think EVP are formed in a single transistor junction. We have noted that several people in a room, recording at the same time using their own recorder, will record different EVP. When using a stereo recorder, the EVP will typically be recorded on only one channel.
We have also noted that, once an EVP has been digitized, it remains stable as a permanent record. The digitization process is linear with full-on or full-off states. The input stage of a recorder is analog and has no means of storing information.
We think stochastic amplification is involved. In that, a small signal is mixed with a broad-spectrum, higher amplitude signal in a nonlinear process. A transistor junction configured in an analog circuit satisfies that requirement. That also means a computer designed to act as an avatar needs an analog electronic circuit as part of the input stage. We think an all-digital device will not support transform EVP formation.
The voices of EVP are limited by available audio frequency sound but are otherwise as complex as voice produced by a human voice box. The voice of EVP can be produced in an analog stage by transforming noise produced by electronic circuits if the noise is sufficiently chaotic.
Note that consistently random is not necessarily chaotic.
It is well-established that mind can influence the randomness of Random Event Generators (REG). These are typically quantum devices known as quantum tunneling diodes. However, the underlying technology remains the transistor junction.
Transistor junctions are formed of semiconducting material which shares characteristics of a conductor and an insulator. The material’s behavior is modified by layering different types of material and/or contaminating the material with chemicals (doping) to enhance the signal flow characteristic.
Discarnate personalities cannot see the physical
This is an important point. My work with EVP suggests that our communicators depend on the vision of people still in the physical. For instance, for some time, it was popular amongst EVP practitioners to have a mirror in the recording room. This is because several recorded messages suggesting a mirror. It was even popular to write the questions on paper and hold it to a mirror.
As I developed the Implicit Cosmology, it became clear that our world is our creation. This is not in a metaphorical sense. I mean that we literally develop a sense of the world we live in by way of the five sense of our human as its sensory signals are translated in our Attention Complex according to our worldview. You and I can be in the same room together, but my sense of the room will be different from yours because of the memory held in my worldview is different than yours.
A mirror in our recording room probably allowed our communicators to see us by accessing the impressions in our memory as we see ourselves. They see our world through our eyes.
If this is true, a computer able to act as an avatar would either need a way to convert mechanically detected environmental information or have a seeing-eye-dog.
Devices that transform physical signals to psi signals–phased array
In fact, I can think of no technology that converts physical signals to psi signals. The etheric is conceptual space and the physical is objective space. In many respects, it is like writing a letter and trying to cram the paper into a copper wire to send to a friend.
Our brain does convert physical to psi, else there would be no such thing as duality. I am not a neurobiologist, so my speculation has little academic value. With that said, the difficulty scientists have in locating specific functional areas of the brain may be explained by the idea that physical-to-psi conversion occurs in field of active neurons. Not in single nerves.
The field concept works very well to describe the etheric. Fields are conceptual in that they are defined by a primary attractor relating many elements into a single concept. The physical equivalent that might point to this idea is the phased array antenna. From the Antenna Arrays (Phased Arrays) web page of Antenna Theory website:
An antenna array (often called a ‘phased array’) is a set of 2 or more antennas. The signals from the antennas are combined or processed in order to achieve improved performance over that of a single antenna. The antenna array can be used to:
- increase the overall gain
- provide diversity reception
- cancel out interference from a particular set of directions
- “steer” the array so that it is most sensitive in a particular direction
- determine the direction of arrival of the incoming signals
- to maximize the Signal to Interference Plus Noise Ratio (SINR)
If a single neuron is considered an antenna element, a group of neurons working together might be considered an array acting as a single physical-to-psi transformer. They might also provide a nonlinear function for stochastic amplification which would be useful for small signal amplification.
Devices that may transform physical signals to psi signals—Microtubules
A second candidate field of study suggesting a possible physical-to-psi transformer is the microtubule and the way quantum principles operate in them. This is pretty far out of my field of study, but the possibility of microtubules as psi transformers is such that I am reconsidering my thoughts about quantum principles and duality. Consider this article as an example of the emerging field of study: Confirmation of Quantum Resonance in Brain Microtubules.
Influence concepts, not things
It is intuitive to think that the psychokinetic influence is a weak force which will only move a very light and resistance-free object. For instance, a person might try to mentally move a piece of paper that has been folded into a four-pointed star and placed on the point of a needle. There are also reported instances of large objects, even people sitting on a chair, being moved during séances. (I have witnessed this on several occasions.) So, the physical size or resistance to movement does not seem to be a factor.
Transform EVP are formed by changing noise into voice. As it turns out, some noise works better than others. A very steady-state, broad-spectrum noise such as the hiss formed in the audio circuit of an inexpensive audio recorder is not very useful for voice formation. A similar noise that is frequently interrupted with sharp perturbations is useful for voice formation. The spikes of audio-frequency energy apparently help the voice formation begin in the otherwise regular audio noise.
Etheric space is best modeled as conceptual space. To explain, thoughts exist in the form of perception, expression, memory and intention. These are only objective when we intend them to be so by doing something to transform the thought into objective form, such as build a house or speak a word. If we are not our body, what remains is some form of, as yet unidentified form of space that permeates physical space.
Parapsychologists propose that access of information with our mind—being psychic—is possible because the information exists in the Psi Field. They sometimes refer to psychic functioning as psi functioning. We know that psi and our thoughts share the same characteristics, and so it seems reasonable to say that mind and thoughts are conceptual, meaning they are based on thought, rather than the objective of the bricks and mortar physical world.
If we think of the psychokinetic influence of intention on physical objects as the expression of a conceptual influence on objective space, the important characteristic of that physical object is the concept that defines it.
In the case of an EVP, the communicating personality is influencing the concept of noise, rather than the undulating physical energy that forms the noise. I refer to this as intended order. The personality is intending that the noise concept agrees with the information concept.
For instance, a 1000Hz audio signal is conceptually very stable because each next sample of the signal is highly predictable. The same signal that is periodically perturbed by, say the movement of a hand over the microphone, is conceptually very unstable. For a conceptual-to-physical influence, it is easier for the influence to change the relatively unstable signal.
Some materials may work better than others
Early electronics used vacuum tubes. Those were followed by early transistor devices that mostly used germanium as a semiconductor. Modern transistor devices hardly use germanium. The Scole Group received instructions about how to build a psi detector. It was precipitated by their etheric communicators onto photographic film that was in a sealed film pack. The Scole Device is intended to replace the microphone of an audio recorder. It depended on a block of germanium and opposing electromagnetic fields using two telephone ringer magnets.
Note that the magnetic fields are opposing, and when near one another, will tend to produce a null region. The Scole group placed the germanium in that region. The magnetic fields are weak, in that the very small voltage of the recorder device is direct current and will produce a stable field that will not induce energy to its surroundings. The modulating influence of a voice will tend to produce a small electrical influence to the germanium. I think the result might be amplification of the small signal in the germanium. Photograph thanks to thescoleexperiment.com.
I am not recommending you go out and buy a piece of germanium. From my discussions with the Scole Mediums, the device worked, but in the long run, probably not better than the usual audio recorder. The point is that materials may matter, and it will require experimentation with the assistance of one or more competent EVP practitioners to find the best combination.
Please do not try to develop devices for transcommunication without the assistance of competent practitioners. Hiring college kids as practitioners is not good science.
Every life field has a worldview representing accumulated understanding, memory and instincts. Computers are the expression of life fields but do not have the characteristic of a life field. At most, I would expect them to be associated with a thoughtform that represents the intention of their developers and the expectations of their operators.
Entanglement with the avatar does not occur in the host. It occurs in the Attention Complex of the two life fields. So, in a practical sense, a computer would function more as a drone, in that the symbiont personality would be more like a remote pilot and would probably keep the I think I am this perspective of the immortal conscious self rather than having the sense being the human.
This does not mean a computer cannot enable conscious self to participate in the physical. Depending on the sophistication of the computer, it would be able to function as an entangled personality, but the experiences would be very different in that it is usually the human instincts that get us into experiences.
Something for the Future
Knowing how to detect psi means we should be able to build a computer that will host personality’s expression. That, in fact, is the ultimate objective when EVP practitioners ask their etheric communicators to help them improve communication. We think it can be done but it may require a little more development.
Just as an audio recorder is able to host a discarnate personality’s voice, it appears the technology required to allow a computer to receive the symbiont’s commands already exists. There remains the problem of enabling the computer to function as the eyes and ears of the symbiont.
Until that technology has been found, a possible solution is to team a person with the host computer. Remember that we think our etheric communicators can only see us by way of our senses or the senses of other people’s in the area or people who remember us. In most circumstances, there will always be a person around to feed the symbiont personality information as if the host computer is the eyes and ears. However, having a designated person would probably enhance communication.
Final Comment
This essay is an exploration of what I think it would take to have a sentient computer. My thought is that someone will read this and decide to make it happen. Please let us know if you are the one.
However, this question is approached, the maker should be mindful that a computer is still just a computer. If it is functioning as a host for an etheric visitor, it is the visitor who should be the focus of attention an. Without a native worldview or locally evolved instincts, the resulting piolet-drone relationship will bring us face-to-face, so to speak, with what is likely to seem a very alien personality. The main difference will probably be greater detachment and less evidence of ego.
In truth, I just don’t know.
Spiritual Anatomy
The Life Field Complex with Avatar ↓Diagram illustrates the relationship of the major functional areas of a person, (an immortal self entangled with a human body in an avatar relationship). I refer to the Complex in the Trans-Survival Hypothesis as our spiritual anatomy. Remembering that the Implicit Cosmology is a conceptual model (there is no physical place you can point to as one of these functional areas), they are bound into the life field by the Core Intelligence which is the immortal personality. The major functional areas shown in the diagram are:
- Life Field: In this model, reality is the Source Life Field (God, if you wish) and the expressions of Source. As an aspect of Source (direct or via a hierarchy of life fields), our life field consists of the functional areas shown in the diagram and our expression is managed by the Attention Complex. All life fields are functionally the same, but those functions are more or less expressed (active), depending on the situation. For instance, a cell life field is the same as our life field. A cell’s Worldview function would involve information specific to the part it plays in the organism such as when to secrete.
- Personality: The blue area on the left represents our intelligent core which represents our purpose and acts as the attractor influence binding the other functional areas as a life field. As our I am this aspect, it is our truly immortal part. Think of it as The Observer which we sometimes mistake as an ethereal being. Personality is etheric.
- Attention Complex: This is our mostly unconscious mind.
- Our human’s physical senses are transformed into etheric impressions which are received into this etheric complex. The complex also receives impressions from other life fields.
- The Perceptual Loop processes these external impressions to produce a characterization of the original psi signal based on Worldview. It is that characterization we consciously experience.
- The conscious intention to express something (body movement, speech, thought) also initiates the Perceptual Loop to produce an expression which may be intended for other life fields or for transformation in the avatar’s brain for physical expression.
- Worldview represents memory (culture, media, school, experiences), instincts and purposeful (spiritual) urges.
- In the Perceptual Loop process, if the sensed information does not agree with what is in worldview, it may be rejected (not consciously experienced). If it is familiar, it will probably be changed to more closely agree with Worldview and the result of that modification will be consciously experienced.
Worldview represents the person’s perception of reality (personal reality). That means the Perceptual Loop tends to reinforce that perception by rejecting sensed information that does not agree with Worldview. Learning occurs when sensed information is sufficiently ambiguous that it does not trigger the Reject result of the loop but is also sufficiently familiar to be accepted into Worldview with little or no modification.
The message in this is that we do not change in large increments, but do change in small, increments as ambiguous information is presented over time. In the Mindful Way, our habitually expressed intention to understanding reality as it is helps turn the Perceptual Loop toward new ideas.
- Conscious Self: Think of the conscious self as the eyes of the life field (like a video camera). It is The Experiencer while the Attention Complex is The Judge and the Personality is The Observer. Your sense of I think I am this follows your conscious perception. As I said above about the Perceptual Loop and Worldview, the resulting perception is your I think I am this because your conscious self represents the world as it is presented to you after it is made to agree with worldview.
Life Fields represent the sentient aspect of reality. All else is the expression of life fields. This is a very important concept to understand if you are to understand the avatar model. The other two major functional areas of the Life Field Complex with Avatar Diagram are associated with the avatar:
- Avatar: In our case, this is our human. The human body represents the only physical part of the diagram. When our human is awake, our conscious self has a body-centric perspective of reality. That is, we think we are the body.
When we are entangled with a human avatar, we share Worldview. A consequence of this is that our behavior during the early part of a lifetime is dominated by our human’s instincts. Even when we are in an altered state of awareness such as sleep, we must deal with the influence of our human’s instincts and current lifetime memories. We are said to become more mature as we learn to manage those instincts. The Mindful Way is all about learning to recognize the difference between our stuff and our human’s stuff.
- Body Mind: The physical human organism is represented by a nested hierarchy of life fields organized by the Body Mind so that the heart field, for instance, organizes many subfields in a many-to-one relationship. Along with other major assemblies, the heart is organized by the Body Mind with other major body parts in a many-to-one arrangement of morphic control.
Physical life forms are life fields, and in the life field model, Body Mind for a physical organism is comparable to Personality for our immortal self.
Prime Imperative
To be complete, a cosmology should be bound, in that it has a beginning and a present. The beginning should predict the present and the present should evidently evolve from the beginning. If someone tells us that something is true, it is reasonable for us to ask how that truth came to be. Saying that something happened somehow is okay if that part of the cosmology is not in a critical path, else, it is magical thinking.
For instance, one of the claims in the Super-Psi Hypothesis is that all life events are preserved in the Psi Field and that a person can psychically access that information. I have not found reasonable explanations as to how the information is retained and how it is accessed. Those two points are on the critical path of the hypothesis, and therefore, the hypothesis must be considered poorly supported. In the Implicit Cosmology, the information is retained with sentient life fields and it is accessed via intelligent communication amongst life field.
In the Implicit Cosmology, a curious Source concept is intended to bound the cosmology. Source should be considered a generic beginning in that I am only proposing that it exists, that it is the top life field fractal in which all other life fields exist and that it is curious about its nature.
Source is said to imagine itself, and in doing so, it created other life fields intended to explore that imagining. This is in the same way we might imagine ourselves at a ballgame. We see ourselves in the imagined ballgame venue and recover our feeling about that experience.
The key part of the Implicit Cosmology is the life field. Assuming I have correctly modeled it as a fractal which is a fundamental part of reality, I extrapolated how my life field might relate to the rest of reality. The rules I used are from what we have gathered about our etheric nature from various sources, including mediumship, ITC and what we know about the Psi Field.
Reality is organized by fundamental governing principles. It is purposeful. It is efficient. For instance, as we see in evolution, it favors the most successful adaptation. By way of organizing principles, this is a form of implicit order. In the Implicit Cosmology, this purposefulness is considered evidence that reality exists for a reason.
To help explain the relationship amongst parts of reality, this purposefulness is modeled as the self-aware Source personality that has the fundamental characteristic of curiosity about its nature. Using the idea that life fields are fractals, the Source life field is the top fractal. We are one of many in our collective and share a common source, but probably only share the First Cause by way of many of its aspects (and their aspects) in a many-to-one nested hierarchy. (See the explanation for the Sierpinski Triangle diagram below.)
In the Sierpinski Triangle Diagram, let the largest triangle be Source or First Cause. The largest triangle represents the Source life field (reality field) and it contains the fractal copies of itself which are also life fields, and which are aspects of the top triangle. All the triangles are qualitatively the same but express those qualities to differing degrees, depending on their circumstance.
If the purple triangle represents your life field, the blue group of triangles represents your collective. Your local source is the triangle formed from the blue triangles. You are an aspect of your local source. You are two rounds of aspectation away from Source. You inherit purpose from your local source just as it inherited purpose from Source.
In this cosmology, we inherit purpose from our local source, and so, the reason we exist is to gain understanding through experience that furthers our local source’s purpose.
Focus on the fact that you are a life field and the lifetime relationship between you and your avatar.