I began writing books shortly after we moved to Lenexa, Kansas in 1987. My intention was initially to provide what I had learned over the years in a book that would give the reader a foundation of concepts on which to build. The first book I wrote is the Handbook of Metaphysics, but several novels followed as I began to think it might be possible to actually write for a living. My writing career never developed, and when we dropped out of the corporate world, my interest turned to different outlets.
The books I have written are available here as free PDF files for you to download. The handbook is discussed here, but is not available except on the used book market. I will explain the reason for that below.
Coming Soon
The Hermit’s Light
Finding Discerning Intellect

Transcommunication White Paper
with Emphasis on Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)
Bridge to the Etheric
I refer people to the Transcommunication White paper five or six times a week. When I do so, I always wish I had the opportunity to explain the importance of personal development.
The three most important points I would make about personal development are concerned with how we think, the effect of how we think on what we experience and how to apply that knowledge toward becoming more self-aware.
This little book includes all of that.
The Transcommunication White Paper is intended to document what is currently known by the ATransC directors about transcommunication. It includes background information about theory, concepts and techniques that are important for the understanding of phenomena related to EVP-ITC, psychic and mediumistic phenomena.
Please note that there is a version of this paper, including a free downloadable PDF, at atransc.org.
Three “bonus” essays are included to provide background information for some of the more important concepts presented in the White Paper. Those are also available on ethericstudies.org.
Available at amazon.com/dp/B08HTBB7R6
Good to Know About the Paranormal Answers by Tom Butler to Quora.com Questions
I have been answering the questions because most of the other answers are simply wrong, anti-paranormal or misleading. Our community is still developing a culture that supports free discovery and meaningful sharing of ideas. It has been my vision that my answers might somehow aid in developing that culture.
See ethericstudies.org/answers/
Companion Books
Your Immortal Self: Exploring the Mindful Way
Exploring the Mindful Way
Your Immortal Self was published Summer, 2016. Information about the book, the pictures and corrections are maintained at ethericstudies.org/immortal_self.
Exploring the Mindful Way was published Spring, 2018. Information about the book, the pictures and corrections are maintained at ethericstudies.org/exploring-the-mindful-way/
One Who Cares
The story follows the woman, One Who Cares, from the time she left her clan to find medicine in the city for her Uncle, until she returned for her last years. Then, a lone woman had few rights, yet she succeeded in living a full life, thanks to simple kindness of others.
This story came from a past life regression. ©Tom Butler 1996, Northwest Publishing, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah. ISBN: 1-56901-692-5
A film treatment is also available.
This novel has been published but is no longer commercially available. By downloading this document, you agree to use its contents for your reading pleasure. You may share this document with your friends; however, it is protected under the copyright laws and may not be used for commercial gain without my expressed permission.
Download One Who Cares (451 Kb PDF file)
Download One Who Cares Film Treatment (221 Kb PDF file
Two Worlds, One Heart
Jajeff communes with animals. With this ability, he can see across the barrier between his reality and ours. His quest to win the love of a girl in our reality brings him new maturity and enriches the lives of his people.
This is a love story about Native Americans, parallel dimensions, and communion with nature. ©Tom Butler 1995, Commonwealth Publications, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6E 5C5. ISBN: 1-55197-053-8
This novel has been published but is no longer commercially available. By downloading this document, you agree to use its contents for your reading pleasure. You may share this document with your friends; however, it is protected under the copyright laws and may not be used for commercial gain without my expressed permission.
Download Two Worlds, One Heart (807 Kb PDF file)
Handbook of Metaphysics
Not to be mistaken as The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics
I have written a book titled the Handbook of Metaphysics, a plain English Discussion of New Age Concepts. It has been published, but is no longer available except on the used book market. ©Tom Butler 1994, 385 pages, Christopher Publishing House, Hanover, Mass. 02339. ISBN: 0-8158-0485-7
The book was my introduction to the publishing world. To my surprise, the publisher printed it without providing proofreading support. There are many grammatical errors in it, and I fear, a number of overly convoluted sections that should have been simplified. I have also learned a lot since writing the book, and anyone taking time to read my current work would agree that the book is simply out of date in several areas. For these reasons, I have decided not to make the book available as a PDF file. Instead, portions of it will be added to this website. If I write a sequel, the material would be taken from this and the Association TransCommunication website, so save yourself the cost and delay and just read these web pages.
There is No Death and There are No Dead
There is No Death and There are No Dead, by Tom and Lisa Butler, AA-EVP Publishing, 2003, ISBN: 0-9727493-0-6. The cost of the 292 page book is $18.00.
When we assumed leadership of the AA-EVP in 2000, we realized there was a need for a text which we could refer people to as a dependable source of information about EVP and other forms of ITC. This book is the result, and remains today an important introduction to these phenomena.
If you want to know about the history of EVP/ITC, if you would like to read about the experiences people have had with these phenomena and if you would like to learn how to record for the paranormal voices and images, you will want to read this book.
See information about purchasing the book here.