Engage Your World

From my experience, it seems Facebook is more a “show and tell” forum and not a forum for communicating ideas. The missing dynamic seems to be individual’s engagement. Here, I want to highlight the way being engaged furthers personal progression and helps grow a cooperative community. One of the recommendations I offered for Seekers in … Read more

Consciousness Simulator

We are trapped between two paradigms concerning the nature of reality. Behind us is the Physicalist point of view that consciousness is an emergent quality of biological brain. Before us is the growing realization that reality is consciousness. For those of us who accept the evidence that we actually are spirit having a human experience, … Read more

Human Instincts or Discerning Intelligence?

Our worldview determines the nature of experiences. Like a database, our worldview is populated with instincts, cultural training and memory. Accepting that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, our worldview also contains previously acquired understanding. It has been my experience that our human’s survival instincts tend to dominate how we interact with our … Read more

As Above, So Below

Implicit Cosmology Works for ITC and Ancient Wisdom The Seven Organizing Principles of the Kybalion are thought to have originated some 6,000 years ago in Egypt. They are usually attributed to a teacher known as Hermes. “Hermes” was probably a priesthood. It is important to note that what Hermes taught seems to be based on … Read more