From my experience, it seems Facebook is more a “show and tell” forum and not a forum for communicating ideas. The missing dynamic seems to be individual’s engagement.
Here, I want to highlight the way being engaged furthers personal progression and helps grow a cooperative community.
One of the recommendations I offered for Seekers in the “Following the Mindful Way” essay was to:
Engage your world: Interact with the people, things and events around you. Being careful not to send a decide signal to your unconscious, examine how you think about things happening around you. Like curiosity, making a habit to interact in some way with the world around you, sends a message to your unconscious mind to pay attention. ethericstudies.org/following_mindful_way/
In a Cooperative Community, “Personalities are attracted to communities of like-minded people cooperating to facilitate progression.”
By “cooperative,” I mean active participation [engagement] of members in the community. Others in the community need not agree with us. The act of composing our thoughts to speak helps us understand what is in our worldview. Supportive or argumentative, the reaction of our listeners is important feedback which helps us focus on what makes sense.
Most any form of engagement or interaction can open doors to the possibility of personal growth. But in the sense of the Seeker’s Way, I like the way the Hermetic Tarot treats the idea. The mental attitude suggested by Key 12 Hanged Man of the Paul Foster Case Deck, is “Not my will, but thine.”
For a cooperative community, this is to say that we progress by suspending our judgement so that we might see other people’s point. We learn little by listening only to ourselves. It is only by engaging in the exchange of ideas that we can approach lucidity.
Your teacher is the community. Consider the possibility of engaging the community.
The Way of Progression
Through community comes knowledge
Through teaching comes understanding
It takes a collective