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Your Immortal Self
Exploring the Mindful Way
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See information about Exploring the Mindful Way and Good to Know About the Paranormal
Content Diagrams Known Errors
From the back of the book:
We Can Know the Nature of Reality
Our understanding of the nature of reality is undergoing an important shift from mostly supposition and belief to actionable facts based on important developments in parapsychology and transcommunication. This means the emergence of new tools which are helping us better understand our nature and the nature of the world we live in.
To be sure this shift involves theory and research, but it ultimately comes down to who we are and what we can become. The best way to describe this future paradigm is in terms of mindfulness and the middle way of mindful living. This is not the mindfulness of living in the moment based on the belief that we are our body. It is the mindfulness of experiencing life from the perspective of your immortal self.
This book is written to show you the evidence of survival and the implications of that evidence as an important model for future research. While your personal progression depends a lot on understanding the evidence, the community sharing your journey is equally important. To help you learn where to look for help, a comprehensive survey of our paranormalist community is included.
Mindfulness can lead to important growth in your ability to work with nature, to sense the subtle fields influencing your life and more confidently commune with your loved ones on the other side. But it is important to understand how this paradigm shift is changing our understanding of the phenomena of transcommunication and interconnectedness in our community. The last part of this book includes a comprehensive discussion of the phenomena, including EVP-ITC, healing intention and mediumship transcommunication phenomena.
About the Cover
Use License
A Personal Note
How to Use this Book
Introduction to this Book
Section I Implicit Cosmology
Introduction to Theory
Essay 1: Trans-survival Hypothesis
Essay 2: Introduction to the Implicit Cosmology
Essay 3: Organizing Principles
Essay 4: Source
Essay 5: Reality
Essay 6: Etheric Fields
Essay 7: Life Fields
Essay 8: Personality-centric Perspective
Essay 9: Perception and Expression
Essay 10: Perceptual Agreement
Essay 11: Mindfulness
Essay 12: Progression, Teaching and the Community
Essay 13: Cosmology of Imaginary Space
Section II Commentaries
Introduction to Community
Commentary 1: Community
Commentary 2: Point of View
Commentary 3: Etheric Studies
Commentary 4: Science
Commentary 5: Psi Research
Commentary 6: Skeptics
Commentary 7: Wikipedia
Commentary 8: Perspective
Section III Transcommunication
Transcommunication Introduction
Phenomena 1 Foundation Principles
Phenomena 2 The Nature of Transcommunication
Phenomena 3 Audio ITC a.k.a. EVP
Phenomena 4 Visual ITC
Phenomena 5 Artifacts and Perceptual Error
Phenomena 6 Mediumship
Phenomena 7 Healing Intention
Phenomena 8 Introduction to Best Practices
Phenomena 9 Best Practices: Classifying Phenomena
Phenomena 10 Best Practices: Witness Panel
Phenomena 11 Transcommunication Research
Closing Comments
Glossary of Terms
Index (paperback only)
Known Errors
Please let me know about errors you find so that I can prepare a second edition.
Errors fixed in January 2017 Update (not all listed)
- Versus is spelled verses in the book.
- The Gale Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology reference is at 195, not 55. Error is on page 123.
Found since january 2017:
Pareidolia: A form of apophenia [424] (seeing patterns where there are none) in which the person finds meaning in images and sounds when there in is none.
Community – Trojan Horse Organization, Poorly managed Expectations (Page 227) It is anomalistic psychology, not anomalous psychology.
Discourse 3: Organizing Principles — Understanding. Second sentence: Experience becomes understanding as personality aligns personal reality with local reality. Should be: Experience becomes understanding as a person aligns personal reality with local reality. Explanation: It is ultimately personality, but a person is personality entangled with a human and the perspective is from our conscious self. Conscious self is the source of intention to make changes based on the prime imperative to gain understanding inherited from personality.
In the eBook version, Section I: Implicit Cosmology, Introduction to the Implicit Cosmology, Six Pillars is missing text. It should read:
Pillar 5, Creation: The creative process is attention on an imagined outcome to produce an intended order (Perception and Expression Discourse).
List of Diagrams, Pictures and Examples
Apparition: Shell1 – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Apparition: Shell2 – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Artifact: Moving Camera – Study 5: Artifacts and Perceptual Error
Classification: Distribution – Study 9: Best Practices: Classifying Phenomena
Classification: Examples – Study 9: Best Practices: Classifying Phenomena
Classification: Perceived Objectivity – Study 9: Best Practices: Classifying Phenomena
Complex Number Space – Discourse 13: Cosmology of Imaginary Space
Compare Physical and Etheric Influences – Discourse 6 Etheric Fields
Concerns with Wikipedia – Commentary 7: Wikipedia
Cosmology: Physical Only – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Cosmology: Super-Psi Only – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Cosmology: Trans-Survival Hypothesis – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Ectoplasm Face of Conan Doyle – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Ectoplasm with Hand – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Ethics – Discourse 11: Mindfulness
EVP: Waveform – Study 3: Audio ITC a.k.a. EVP
Fractals – Discourse 4: Source
Functional Areas of a Life Field – Diagrams
Functional Areas of a Life Field Complex – Diagrams
Functional Areas for Perception and Expression – Diagrams
Hyperlucidity – Discourse 11: Mindfulness
Limits of Understanding – Discourse 12: Progression, Teaching, Community
Lucidity – Discourse 11: Mindfulness
Mandelbrot Set with Coordinates – Discourse 13: Cosmology of Imaginary Space
Mandelbrot Set with Navigation – Discourse 13: Cosmology of Imaginary Space
Mediumship-aka Psi Sensing – Study 6: Mediumship
Mind-to-Mind – Study 6: Mediumship
Mind-to-Mind Remote Viewing – Study 6: Mediumship
Orb Over Gene – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Orb, Black, Universal – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Orb, White with Tail – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Organization of Cosmology Series – Discourse 2: Introduction to the Implicit Cosmology
Organizing Morphic Field – Discourse 6: Etheric Fields
Personality Models Immortal Personality – Commentary 2: Point of View
Personality Models Mind is Body – Commentary 2: Point of View
Personality Models Mind-Body Duality and Psi – Commentary 2: Point of View
Personality Styles with Astrological Signs – Discourse 8: Personality-Centric Perspective
Potential Future – Discourse 6: Etheric Fields
Precipitated Art by Robinette – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Precipitated Art: Madam Blavatsky – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Progression – Discourse 2: Introduction to the Implicit Cosmology
Principle of Aspectation – Discourse 3: Organizing Principles
Range of Interest Relating to Acceptance of Survival Concepts – Commentary 1: Community
Research: Visual Perception Study – Study 11: Research
Scope of Etheric Studies – Commentary 3: Etheric Studies
Terms: Apports – Glossary

Terms: Ectoplasm – Glossary
Terms: Hermetic Qabalah – Glossary
Terms: Sierpinski Triangle – Glossary

Picture from Real Communication? Report on a SORRAT letter-writing Experiment, Figure 3, Page 21, ( taken by I. Grattan-Guinness)
Terms: SORRAT – Glossary
The Hermit – Discourse 11: Mindfulness
The Hermit – Commentary 8: Perspective
Trojan Horse – Commentary 4: Science
Water Technique: Elves – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Water Technique: King – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Water Technique: King2 – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Water Technique: Grandfather – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Water Technique: Sauce Pan – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Water Technique: Soesman Technique – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Video Loop: Alien – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Video Loop: Clayton – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Video Loop: Clown – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Video Loop: Cow – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Video Loop: Dog – Discourse 1: Trans-Survival Hypothesis
Video Loop Technique – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Chaotic Visual Noise in Video Frame – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Face on Turned Off TV1V – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Face on Turned Off TV2 – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Man with Dog – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Mirrored Image – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Troll – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC
Visual ITC: Two Lovers – Study 4: Techniques – Visual ITC