Human Instincts or Discerning Intelligence?

Our worldview determines the nature of experiences. Like a database, our worldview is populated with instincts, cultural training and memory. Accepting that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, our worldview also contains previously acquired understanding.

It has been my experience that our human’s survival instincts tend to dominate how we interact with our world. However, as people learn to consider the implications of what they believe, their more discerning spiritual self begins to have more influence.

Consider the included diagram. I think we can tell which end of the spectrum people favor.

I have learned to think that anti-paranormalist skeptics and paranormalists who are overly dogmatic about their beliefs, fall on the left side of the “Dominance Threshold.” Their choices seem to be at least subconsciously intended to promote their stature in the tribe. Greater stature in the community helps assure the good stature of their offspring.

People who suspend their judgement about experiences fall on the right side of the scale. Not being attached to an outcome by way of suspended judgement about people, information and experiences leaves us open to gain more understanding.

Keep in mind that we are probably having a human experience for a purpose. Whatever that may be, experiencing the physical from our avatar’s point of view seems important. That suggests the most successful of us are those who are most human.

However, our spiritual self as the observer seems to be a necessary part of those experiences for us to gain understanding. Thus, the reason we seek spiritual maturity while respecting our avatar’s instincts.

All of this is to say that the bewildering onslaught of insults and personal attacks coming from radical politicians makes it clear that their human instincts are fully in charge.

Any of us who have tried to sway the thinking of a conspiracy theorist will know that reasoning does not work. That is the main reason I write so much about consciousness. If we can awaken the seeker in people, they will do the rest.


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