Principles by Category
Given that there is a Source, then the following Principles might be true:
Beyond personality’s relationship with the greater reality, metaphysics is concerned with the structure and operation of reality. The operation of reality–how it works–is described in terms of the fundamental principles which govern the organization of each aspect of reality.
The physical world equivalent of these principles are the physical “laws” described by science; however, metaphysicians generally think of physical “laws” as a result of principles defining the operation of the greater reality. They are seen as a product of the fundamental principles so it is thought that, as physical science is extended to embrace more of the operation of etheric reality, these fundamental principles will be redefined by refinements of the known principles in physical science.
The principles described here are from a very fundamental perspective. The difference between this perspective and the one usually taken for defining principles of Natural Law is really one of complexity. For instance, saying that reality is continuous does not say a lot about how that continuity is experienced from locale to locale. As our scientists come to understand this concept, they can be expected to fill in the details. For instance, the Principle of Continuity may come to include numerous demonstrable sub principles.
A word About Spirit and Spiritual
In the Implicit Cosmology, God is definitely not a father figure passing judgment down from his throne. God is considered a self-aware first cause for our part of reality. I refer to God here as Source. As the top life field, it is the reality field, and undifferentiated, it is referred to as the etheric. The behavior of the etheric is governed by organizing principles. It is speculated in this cosmology that the resulting reality within Source exists in response to Source’s desire to understand itself. The organizing principles are described in this essay.
Personalities, which are aspects of Source, are thought to inherit an urge to experience reality as it is imagined by Source or an aspect of source. In some way, these aspects will return their understanding to Source. Thus, it is said that each personality (I am this) has a prime imperative to experience, understand and return that understanding to Source. We experience this as a subtle urge which inclines our daily decisions toward seeking greater understanding.
The relationship between personality and the Source is generally referred to as spiritual. Understanding is the primary objective, and the degree of understanding of nature is referred to as spiritual maturity or progression. Behaving in accordance with this understanding is referred to as spirituality or being spiritual.
After a person has transitions out of this lifetime, he or she is said to be in spirit. (This is vernacular) When a person senses discarnate people, those etheric personalities may be referred to as spirits, but in this cosmology, they will generally be referred to as personalities.
Finally, aspects of Source which are said to be responsible for the operation of reality are referred to as personalities but are modeled as life fields, of which an etheric personality represents the field’s intelligent core. In popular paranormalist culture, a life field is often referred to as a spirit; however, current understanding suggests that the reference is actually to expressions of life fields and not the intelligent core, itself.
Point of View
If you are familiar with metaphysics, especially as taught in the Hermitic Wisdom Schools and in Spiritualism, you are likely familiar with an earth-centric point of view. That is typically a “layer cake” cosmology. The Implicit Cosmology is developed from the perspective of the intelligent core of personality in the etheric aspects of reality. As such, the principles described here may be a little different than that which you are accustomed.
These principles are modeled as being inherent in the concept of expression, and which subsequently govern the behavior of life fields. While these principles may be virtually immutable, all of the principles appear to be subject to new understanding. That is, they are modeled here as an expression of Source based on its current understanding of itself. Thus, in effect, they are a product of expression and are subject to change as worldview changes the output of the Perceptual Loop.
The terminology used here is consistent with the terminology used in the Trans-survival Hypothesis. Please use the definitions provided in that article, as well as those provided in the Glossary of Terms. Links will usually be provided for the first use of possibly confusing terms or usages. Some of the links will be to articles which explain the concept in depth.
Please be sure to follow the links when provided if the associated concept is new to you. As always, your input is very welcome.
Source as the reality field is a singularity modeled as a life field, the personality of which is the intelligent core as its source. The expressions of that initial personality are its aspects which inherit purpose and understanding concerning the nature of reality. To provide a boundary for the model, the Implicit Cosmology begins with this source as an agent of creation that is considered the initial cause or Source from which all else has evolved. Source is not a father god. Alternative names for Source include Infinite Intelligence, God (not an anthropomorphic god) and First Cause.
Source is assumed to be the top life field, and as such to have at least the fundamental characteristics shown in the Functional Areas of a Life Field diagram. How source came to be is beyond the scope of this cosmology; however, one might speculate that Source is, itself, part of a collective or that it began as an undifferentiated etheric field.
In effect, Source is reality, and therefore, the principles governing the operation of reality are assumed to also govern the behavior of Source. As such, it is believed that Source is continuing to evolve by way of its evolving aspects.
The basic properties and principles are assumed to be the result of Source’s expression. That is, the rules governing the nature and behavior of the primal etheric field (reality field or Source’s life field) are embedded in the field, itself. Some principles can be seen as being directly attributable to the properties or other principles; however, the origin of others is less obvious. Even so, it appears to be arguable that, with the existence of Source as a given, all of reality can be explained as the result of the properties and principles governing the behavior of etheric fields.
In a “bottoms up” fashion, the model for Source is the relationship between personality and its avatar. As such, Source is assumed to have the characteristics of curiosity and intention. In the same way that a person creates personal reality, the source is hypothesized to have created aspects of itself to explore its space; its local reality. The new space resulting from this initial aspectation would be a subset of what Source believes reality to be. This would be based on Source’s worldview.
As shown in the diagram for progression, the initial expression is thought to have been a relatively naive and uncomplicated expression of Source’s actual nature. Personalities resulting from the aspectation would be relatively immature in their understanding of reality; however, subsequent aspectations would be based on increasingly correct understanding of the nature of reality (the actual nature of Source).
Reality is the life field of Source. In the Implicit Cosmology, the hierarchy of nested life fields and their expressions compose all of reality.
An important departure from the physical references you may be accustomed to using for metaphysical cosmologies such as energy, spirit and objects, is the change of perspective in the Implicit Cosmology from physical-centric to Soul-centric. Saying that, at the most fundamental level, reality consists of life and the expressions of life sets the foundation on which the dynamics of life’s interaction with its environment can be better understood.
Early efforts to model reality included parallel hierarchies, one as the experiential aspect of Source and the other as the formative aspect. People were in the experiential aspect and it was their imagining that became the matrix around which the formative aspect (nature spirit or Diva) formed components of reality. This was partially in an effort to explain reports of nature spirits and guardian angels. However, more recent understanding points to the idea that the Life Field Complex adequately explains both the experiencer (people) and subsequent expressions coming from current understanding (worldview).
As for the nature spirits, this cosmology does not address the nature of the collective intelligent core represented by morphic fields. For instance, do we sense the individual or the species collective when we turn our attention to plants and animals? There is much research needed to address that question.
A third characteristic of reality is the set of organizing principles that govern the behavior or life fields and expression. From a body-centric point of view, the trilogy of body, mind and spirit might be translated from the Implicit Cosmology perspective as avatar, personality and organizing principles.
See: Local Reality and Personal Reality
Personalities related by a shared source tend to cooperate to favor the progression of mutually entangled individuals. As noted in the discussion above about reality, life fields are aspects of Source, and in turn, are source for other life fields in a hierarchy of nested fields. The assumption of this model is that Source is curious about itself, and so, each aspect (Little Me) inherits an urge to gain understanding. Many aspects are thought to be expressed by Source but not via the same instance of expression. Each of the aspect’s inherited urges is expected to be slightly different from the others. This is shown in “The Principles of Aspectation” diagram above as the “Initial Aspectation.”
Fractal theory is used here, so as fractals based on Source, every life field has the same qualities (functional areas as shown in the Functional Areas of a Life Field Diagram). However, they express those qualities differently, depending on their worldview and inherited urges.
Each “daughter” aspect of Source is expected to explore reality via experience, and that experience is via the expression (imagining) of a venue for experience and a “Little Me” aspect of itself to explore that venue. This is shown in “The Principles of Aspectation” diagram above as the “Subsequent Aspectation.”
Because of entanglement, the daughter aspects are thought to have a common objective toward which they cooperate amongst themselves to achieve.
There is an indication that this process has occurred, but there is little to indicate how many rounds there are between this physical aspect of reality and Source. The important point is that each aspect of each round represents a collective for its “daughter” aspects.
Each collective would be related by the common Source (first cause), but would otherwise be held separate depending on perceptual agreement. Also, distinction amongst collectives would likely be confused as understanding is moderated.
Foundation: This is a speculation based on the frequent assertion via transcommunication that the communicator is part of a group. In some instances, such as the Imperator Group which has apparently come through for many different mediums, the group presents itself as individual personalities, some of which claim to have had a physical lifetime. In others, such as Jane Robert’s Seth, the communicator discourages use of a name and identifies itself as a collective.
An important, practical result of this property is that, while the etheric personality (intelligent core of life field) in the avatar relationship is primarily associated with and concerned with an experience (lifetime). It is part of a collective and is able to “tap in” to experiences and understanding of other personalities in the collective, depending on perceptual agreement.
Venues for learning are probably used by more than one aspect/personality to gain understanding (and each aspect/personality is probably simultaneously using many venues to learn). As such, it is likely that other people in the world might be in other collectives. If so, it would be reasonable to think a person might have more rapport with people who are in their collective. This is very speculative but does help explain why some people are like our soul brothers and sisters.
I Am Always With You
A common message via mediumship is that a discarnate loved one will\ often claim to be “always with you.” Hans Bender, speaking through the FELIX Experiment Group’s medium, explained that loved ones are closer to us after they make their transition. He also said that we project our presence into the physical from our natural place in the etheric.
The important message in Han’s words is that, as is described in the Trans-Survival Hypothesis, our personality exists in the etheric. When our loved ones transitions out of this lifetime, their attention is freed of their avatar and they are more able to focus on their etheric personality. So in that way, they are very much closer to us, if only we have taken the time to make our conscious connection with our personality more lucid.
Personality remains associated with its aspects and expression via attention. In generic terms, entanglement is seen as a property inherent in the process of expression. It is hypothesized that the resulting aspect life field or ideoplastic structure remains associated with its source by way of purpose, a maintained image of the expression (attention) and to the extent that the source intends that the expressions continue to exist .
This is seen as an ordering property which relates subfields with an organizing field. The thread of attention represented by the property of entanglement is seen as what enables a top field to organize other fields to form and remain as intended.
For instance, it is hypothesized that a human body has an organizing field which maintains the human body image and the necessary information to gather subfields representing the component parts of a body such as skin, bone, cells and enzymes. It is the property of entanglement that assures the necessary association of fields.
In principle, there would be a network of links of entanglement associating Source with all of its sub-aspects, and which carries its intention. In the same way, it also functions as the link of influence between the etheric personality and its physical body; the avatar. Also see: Evolution (below).
Fields are the fundamental organization of reality. As explained in the Etheric Fields Essay, reality is modeled as a field which is Source’s life field. It is in effect, the top field in a hierarchy of nested fields.
Fields are the expression of personality and occur in such forms as reality field (Source), venue fields (such as the physical), life fields (including personality), thoughtforms, intention fields, organizing fields, morphic fields (physical organisms), and ideoplastic structures.
In parapsychology, etheric fields are known as psi fields. (The psi field is usually modeled in parapsychology as a local or physical field with little or no reference to a greater reality. The name is used here for continuity.)
Conceptually, a field represents a set of elements with common characteristics and bound together by a common influence. Etheric fields are regions of reality that can be modeled as a node or nexus (attractor) associated with a set of related elements. It is useful to model reality as a single etheric field expressed by a first cause or Source. In this view, the “reality field” is the top etheric field, from which all other fields have been derived via differentiation. In this way, the reality field has been differentiated as a hierarchy of nested etheric fields.
Evolving influence: Span of entanglement increases as aspects gain in understanding. Considering the property of evolution (below), it should be noted that the human body was probably incapable of being an avatar of any consequence until recent times. As a speculation, Homo Sapiens were probably the first step in human evolution able to function as an avatar for an etheric personality. The first entanglement was probably rudimentary as compared to today; however, it is reasonable to expect that future generations will be able to support even more meaningful associations between conscious self and etheric personality.
Clarity of the thread of entanglement is described as lucidity. Based on the comments below about evolution, it can be seen that people who work to develop awareness of their unconscious mind are increasing lucidity and it is hypothesized that this will tend to evolve the human’s morphic field so that future generations will more easily be aware of their etheric nature with greater psi functioning.
Animals as avatars: It is not reasonable to assume humans are the only avatars on earth. An interesting example of an apparent self-aware, rational animal is the language-using parrot N’kisi. The bird also exhibits apparent psychic ability which suggests greater lucidity than found in the average human avatar relationship. Just because we do not understand how to communicate with them, and thereby learn about their capabilities, does not give us grounds to assume our superiority. At most, we can only accept that there is different degree of expression of the capabilities inherit in every life form.
Nested Hierarchy
A hierarchical relationship exists between Source, aspects of source and subsequent expressions of those aspects. Please refer to the comments associated with the Collective Principle (above).
A physical example of a hierarchy is the world, nation, state, city, suburb, home family individual. In the Implicit Cosmology, the hierarchy of interest is the relationship amongst Source, its aspects, its aspect’s aspects … and so on. There is a many-to-one (nested) relationship in the etheric hierarchy associated with Source and its associated aspects.
Some characteristics of Source are inherited by its aspects, just as some of the characteristics of those aspects are inherited by their aspects … and so on. In the concept of morphic fields, fields are also thought to combine as hierarchical collectives, in that an organizing field becomes entangled with sub-fields to produce organisms such as the human body.
Organizing Principles
Reality operates according to a body of organizing principles which are inherent in Source’s creative expression. The Implicit Cosmology assumes the existence of organizing principles; however, this does not mean that one must accept the existence of organizing principles on faith.
Source is modeled here in the sense of from whence it came rather than as a father god. Since reality is Source’s life field, everything in reality is governed by the same rules of behavior governing Source and its expressions. In the same sense, it is accepted in mainstream science that the physical universe is governed by knowable principles without the need to question why or from whence the principles came.
Given the existence of Source and organizing principles, a logical argument could be composed to describe how the whole of reality might self-organize. How a very complex local reality can be developed based on a simple equation and a few simple rules is illustrated in the Mandelbrot Set. See : The Cosmology of Imaginary Space
Prime Imperative
Aspects of Source express aspects of themselves with the intention to understand the nature of reality (which is the nature of Source). Virtually the entirety of the differentiated reality (expressions of Source) exists for the single purpose of enabling Source to understand itself. This “given” in the Implicit Cosmology has no objective support other than a naturalist’s view of the nature of local reality and how people interact with it.
There is some reasonably well supported channeled material to support this principle, but the bottom line is that the idea of a Prime Imperative imposed on personalities to gain understanding about the nature of reality and “return” that understanding to Source, is useful as a beginning point in the cosmology. If the subsequent cosmology reasonably describes what is objectively observed, then one might give some credence to the beginning assumptions.
Processes are time dependent. The rate of time and its references appear to be relative to the characteristics of the region. Time related to an aspect of reality which is perceptually more removed from the source is perceived differently than in a region closer to the source. In other words, in the physical region, time exists for personality within the physical, but physical time is thought to be irrelevant for personality “outside” of the physical.
Formation is concerned with the process of creation. The following group of governing principles address the nature of that process.
The creative process of intention acting on an imagined result produces aspects of reality which are a subset of personality’s personal reality. For instance, when a person imagines driving a new car, the car, its environment and the little personality in the car are all aspects of the person’s native environment. In practical terms, they are in understanding and in complexity, a subset of personality’s native environment. This subset is determined by personality’s worldview.
Repeated aspectations necessarily results in a hierarchy of aspects with increasingly smaller subset of inherited characteristics relative to the source. Because of this, an aspect may not be the same as the creator of that aspect. For instance, an aspect may be the same as its creator in every way except purpose. A creator must have a reason or purpose for extending an aspect of itself while the resulting aspect must have the purpose of satisfying that reason.
Aspects are thought to exist so long as the creator personality holds them in its attention.
The process of creating an aspect of something is referred to as differentiation. At one time, differentiation was treated as a principle but it is better treated under the Principle of Aspectation.
In one view of the Implicit Cosmology, once formed, aspects are no longer in agreement of understanding with their source; however, as they gain understanding, they grow closer in agreement with their source, and eventually, are able to merge their understanding (presumably with new insight). Thus, they remain individuals so long as they are not in agreement with their source, and so long as their source maintains attention on their progression with the intention to learn. This is a strict Hierarchical Model.
A second interpretation is that the aspect returns to its source at the end of transition. In this view, there is less difference between source and aspect, and the collective of personalities is the dominant influence on personality’s progression. This is the Collective Model.
From what can be objectively understood by existing phenomena and revealed information, either solutions seems equally possible, as each would have essentially the same effect on a person in this lifetime. See the Principle of Aspectation Diagram.
The term, “Like attracts like” has been used to describe this principle. It is correct in the sense that the degree of attraction is determined by each person’s worldview, which determines the person’s perception.The degree of perceptual agreement determines the strength of association amongst aspects of reality. Personality inherits a subset of its source’s characteristics. Personality’s perception evolves with increased understanding. A personality and its aspects is a collective, the individuals of which are bound, depending on the degree of perceptual agreement. Within the hierarchy of personalities, aspects of different collectives are bound, depending on the degree of agreement
Like That, But Not That.
A common problem in metaphysics is the tendency to expect the rest of reality to be like the physical. For instance, if a person transitioned a ear ago, we might say that the person should have had time to adjust to life on the other side. At the same time, the metaphysician will say that time does not exist in the etheric.
The Trans-Survival Hypothesis and Implicit Cosmology were written with the conscious intention to describe reality from the perspective of “standing” at the etheric-physical interface. Yet, many earth-centric terms persist.
Two important concepts about which readers that need to be mindful of contradicting perspectives are attempts to apply quantum theory to etheric concepts. While such concepts as nonlocality (time and distance ubiquity), entanglement (connectedness) and collapsing waveforms (multiverses) do sound a lot like experiences associated with the etheric, the position argued in trans-survival is that the physical is derived from the etheric via intended order. The quantum aspect of the physical may represent the etheric-physical interface, but much more must be learned before it is safe to say that quantum principles effectively describe the etheric. Instead, it is best to say that they represent a model which illustrates how the etheric might behave.
Use these comparisons as learning tools, but do not expect them to be the actual reality.
Cooperative Communities
Personalities are attracted to communities of like-minded people cooperating to facilitate progression. In effect, we inherit a sort of Prime Imperative from our source* to gain understanding about the nature of reality. At least in the physical, this is accomplished by learning through experience.
Note the distinction between collectives and communities. There is evidence that groups of personalities sharing the same source cooperate as a collective to fulfill the intention of their source. In the physical, we are attracted to communities of like-minded people for mutual cooperation toward gaining understanding. Cooperative communities likely support people from different collectives with rather different inherited objectives. The intention to gain understanding is a common factor. Cooperation is facilitated by rapport which is established between personalities as they interact in the community.
As an old adage goes, “Our lot is to learn, and having learned, our lot is to teach.” Each member of a cooperative community fills both the role of seeker and that of teacher, simply by interacting with other members of the community.
The Golden Rule states that we should “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” Virtually every religious organization has the Golden Rule somewhere in their literature. Considered from the perspective of the Implicit Cosmology, the meaning is that people should cooperate with one another to achieve their true purpose. Teachers come from those who have been taught. Perhaps a better way of stating the Golden Rule is: “Teach me as I teach you.” See the Emerald Table Essay.
There is one reality and it exists everywhere. There is a continuum of existence from here to Source. There are no gaps in this continuum, however, there is change from point to point along the continuum and this change tends to be step-wise. Every point along the continuum is relative to the preceding point (inheritance, nature’s habits) and informs the following point (Expression based on Perceptual Loop).
Based on the “given” of the Prime Imperative, it is assumed in the Implicit Cosmology that Source is still learning and doing so through its aspect. Given that understanding is an acquired characteristic of personality, an aspect must represent a subset of its source’s understanding and urge to gain further understanding (targeted). The theory holds that, as the aspect increases in understanding, it becomes more perceptually in agreement with its source. Eventually, source and aspect “merge” in a way that allows source to acquire the understanding gained by its aspect.
Emergent Order
Elements of a field tend to self-organize. Barrowing from the study of chaotic systems, elements tend to be attracted to irregularity in the system. The result is regions of order which potentially exhibit characteristics not found in the individual elements.
One result of this principle is the idea that reality is bunchy. That is, elements of reality tend to congregate. This is a little beyond my training, but I believe the step-wise behavior so often found in nature is a direct result of this principle.
Another important result of this concept is the idea of cycles. We experience stepwise behavior in living systems as birth or regeneration, living or activity, maturity, rest and transition to begin a new cycle. Of course, a lifetime is an expression of this.
Everything is subject to change which is based on history. Nothing remains at rest indefinitely. Everything in reality changes through process which may be orderly, but evolution is more likely to be punctuated throughout the process with catastrophic change.
The Trans-survival Hypothesis incorporates the concept of morphic fields proposed by Rupert Sheldrake in the Hypothesis of Formative Causation. These fields are also more generically referred to as etheric fields.
The formative information or blueprint contained in morphic fields is described by Sheldrake as Nature’s habits. The fields cause formation of their associated organisms based on how they have always been formed. Without extenuating influences, a human morphic field should always produce identical bodies. The additional influences of parental genes and environmental forces results in the variety we see today.
Morphic fields adapt as the organism adapts. Learned behavior modifies habitual behavior. The mechanism enabling new behavior to modify Nature’s habit is not clear, but there is likely a difference in the lasting influence of accidental changes such as the loss of a limb and intended changes such as learning to avoid an unpleasant experience.
The process of increasing understanding of the nature of reality depends on the Principle of Evolution. The creative process also depends on it as the worldview field represents the organism’s habit in that lifetime. Parts of the worldview clearly follow the personality as it recovers from a lifetime, affecting how it adapts to the etheric.
As is noted above in Evolving Influence,, the link between personality and body in the avatar relationship has probably become possible via evolution of the human. A primitive link was probably established and then evolved as humankind became more able to comprehend abstract concepts.
Punctuated Evolution: Evolution is generally considered in terms of change by way of small increments; however, there is reason to speculate that trans-etheric influences might produce, let us say, larger increments of change than expected.
Instrumental TransCommunication is a well-documented from of trans-etheric influence in which an intelligent influence (expression) causes a change in the physical. Morphic fields are etheric fields which are entangled with the physical organisms they govern. It is reasonable to argue that the influence wielded by personalities and morphic fields on physical processes is able to produce changes that would be seen as being beyond what can be reasonably expected from chance evolution dependent on mutation or survival of the fittest.
Life Field
Reality is modeled as a hierarchy of nested life fields with Source at the top field. In reality, there are life fields and expressions of life. Source is the top life field. As a general statement, the “Prime Imperative” of a life field is to align personal reality with the perception of local reality.
The functional areas of a life field as modeled in this cosmology are shown in the diagram at the right. A detailed explanation is provided in the Life Field essay. Also see: Personality and Creative Process
Perceptual Agreement
Personality must be in perceptual agreement with the aspect of reality with which it will associate. This principle provides a mechanism by which order can be imposed on a system without many complex rules limiting behavior. Rather than some ethereal being telling us what we can and cannot do, or where we can go in heaven, this principle assures that we will gravitate toward aspects of reality which we are best able to understand.
The practical consequence is that freedom of access to the greater reality is increased by gaining understanding; understanding which is in accordance with the operation of reality. Comprehending the intention of the principles listed here is a good beginning. (Please be sure to follow the links when provided if the associated concept is new to you.)
The self-limiting aspect based on understanding appears to be made practical by the Maybe state of the Perceptual Loop shown in the Basic Functional Areas of Perception Diagram (below). New understanding occurs when new input is reasonably close to prior understanding. When it is, the new input is allowed into worldview, albeit after it is visualized by worldview based on prior understanding. In this model, in response to the inherited urge to gain understanding, personality gravitates toward that which is familiar but with a preference for new experiences.
This principle results in the existence of the Veil of Forgetfulness which is the practical consequence of the etheric-physical interface. When a personality creates an aspect of itself to gain experience, the new aspect inherits a subset of its source’s understanding. The sub personality is created with the imperative to return to its source aspect and does so by gaining understanding. And yes, this may take more than one lifetime.
There is a requirement in Rupert Sheldrake’s Hypothesis of Formative Causation for Nature’s habit to be evolved by creative solutions to environmental problems. The maybe solution in the Perceptual Loop provides this mechanism.
See: The Cosmology of Imaginary Space Essay for discussion of how this might look as an alternative to usual cosmologies.
Reality is modified by way of ordered sequences of events. As a fundamental aspect of reality, process has a beginning, which may be the spark of inspiration to do something; one or more intermediate steps, such as comparing an imagined outcome with worldview; and finally, process ends with the expression of intended order.
Personalities are interconnected by links of cooperation (influence) forming a matrix of relationships (cooperating community). One personality’s awareness of another personality manifests as a link of influence between the two fields, that is related to attention and intention. The nature of this link of rapport depends on the clarity (intensity) of awareness and the reason for the awareness. These links are dynamic and are thought to facilitate cooperation. See: Entanglement, Community and Reciprocity (above)
As personality influences reality, reality reflects that influence back to personality. This reciprocal influence is similar but not necessarily equal to the initial influence. Personality develops a personal reality (worldview) based on perception. When personality expresses a change of some form into the environment, the creative process introduces the expectation to experience that change.
A practical example of this may be seen in healing intention, in which the practitioner may sense, even benefit from the influence of expressed intention. Another important example of this may be found in the negative influence that is experienced by a person who expresses negative thoughts toward another. In this case, negative means disagreement between a worldview which enables a person to imagine the negative influence in the first place and the actual nature of reality. See: Balance
Personality is the immortal aspect and the true “I am this” of the life field. It expresses dual characteristics of experiencer and formative agent.
As experiencer, personality expresses inherited purpose to and incorporates acquired understanding from the Attention Complex. It is often referred to as a person’s higher self.
The formative agent is personality’s Intelligent Core which represents body image. This is comparable with the autonomic system for a biological organism.
From the perspective of conscious self, Personality and Intelligent Core are typically indistinguishable.
These are the principles thought to moderate the behavior of personality.
Focus on a process with the intention to understand or express. As is illustrated in the Functional Areas of Perception Diagram, perception is motivated by attention. Attention precedes awareness as an important aspect of life.
The one input to the perceptual process from conscious self is attention. As such, it represents a means for self to influence worldview, thereby potentially improving lucidity.
In First Sight Theory, attention is also an unconscious state. As shown in the Functional Areas of Perception diagram, the Attention Limiter acts as a filter which can simply block environmental information if it is tested as having no interest to the organism. In the physical view, think of this as the gathering of energy to do work.
The natural order is the middle way in which actions are in agreement with organizing principles. Balance is a way of looking at living in accordance with nature. Personality must expend effort to maintain an extreme state. It is hypothesized to be as difficult to sustain extreme positive as it is to sustain extreme negative. It is likely that true evil in the religious sense is not really possible. In theory, the state would too quickly dissipate as the system is attracted to a balanced or more neutral state.
In the Implicit Cosmology, balance is seen as being in accordance with nature. It would be a naturally sustainable state because there should be few if any forces acting to move the person or system out of a balanced state.
From the perspective of this principle, good and bad are irrelevant since the measure of those qualities is typically based on local norms. A person who is seen to be good by a society that subjugates part of its population might be seen as bad by a different society that honors all people as equal. In both cases, the person would be creating reality in accordance with a worldview which is in agreement with social norms. The measure then, is whether or not worldview is in accordance with the organizing principles of reality. See: Mindfulness
Creative Process
Changes in reality are expressed via personality’s attention on an imagined outcome with the intention to make it so. Fundamental characteristics of the life field include curiosity, inherited urge to have experiences to gain understanding and a sense of relationship with a collective. As described in the Implicit Cosmology, these characteristics are expressed in the creative process.
Curiosity is the source of attention. An important assumption of the Implicit Cosmology is that a fundamental characteristic or property of the life field is curiosity. The motivation for attention is seen as curiosity about the nature of the environment. It is proposed that this is inherited from Source.
Believe what you wish but know what you believe. While worldview is the arbiter of the creative process, discernment is the arbiter of that which remains in worldview. The concepts of detachment and suspended judgment serve the purpose of allowing personality to assess experiences without incorporating them into worldview.
Discernment is possibly the most important quality one can cultivate. Those who have consciously stepped on a path toward understanding make little progress until they have learning to experience life without the need to conclude truths about life. Understanding is not a list of “this is true” and “that is not.” It is the comprehension that this is related to that in some way.
Personality inherits the urge to seek experiences which might lead to understanding the nature of reality. It is likely that a person’s entire reason for existence is to gain understanding of a certain aspect of nature.
Expression of the creative process manifests form into reality as intended order. Expression may be in the form of conscious awareness of an output of the perceptual process, speech, order impressed on a chaotic process or an ideoplastic form.
The ability to manage the creative process is, in part, a function of how well conscious self is able to focus attention on an imagined outcome. There remains the need for intention to manifest as expression, but all of this requires focused attention. If the person is uncertain, distracted by environmental intrusions or harbors an unconscious fear or doubt, focus will be blurred and the resulting expression will be degraded.
Intention is the motive influence of expression. The creative process is usually described as attention on an imagined outcome with the intention to make it so. The coherence of the expression from the creative process, and therefore it effectiveness, depends on clarity of visualization, but also on clearly expressed intention.
A useful way to consider intention is to think of expression resulting from the creative process as intended order. In trans-etheric influences, intended order is a way of describing the influence of the creative process on chaotic systems; they are transformed according to intended order.
An imagined outcome without the intention to make it so is just a fantasy. Intention is the motive force for aspectation, and based on a clear understanding of true desire (objective), can be a very powerful tool for living. See the Creative Process essay
Local Reality
Reality is bound for a person by the limits of experience. Following the idea that we can only comprehend what we are aware of, local reality is that part of the reality field of which a person is aware. For person as an entangled avatar, local reality is always a subset of the physical universe so that home, community, town and maybe country region are relatively clearly visualized by a person while a different city and the surface of Mars might be just concepts. Local reality is seen as a true region of the greater reality, so that understanding local reality is the same as understanding a part of the greater reality.
Two people living in the same part of town will have a sense of slightly different local reality because of differing focus of attention.
It is important to distinguish between local reality and personal reality. Local reality is a subset of reality but personal reality is colored by worldview in the perceptual process so that it only represents what the person thinks of local reality. See: Personal Reality
Experience is a function of intent, attention, external influence and worldview. Personality is shown in diagrams such as the one for the Functional Areas of Perception, (above) as the Intelligent Core which manifests as Attention. Attention is a required state for perception, but the Perceptual Loop process determines what is allowed into worldview, what is consciously experienced and what can be expressed. In this model, personality can only become aware of what is expressed from the perceptual process. That is, how information is translated as moderated by worldview thinks of it. See Perception
Personal Reality
Perception of reality defines personal reality. Currently held beliefs influence perception of the nature of reality. For instance, a place is neutral, but two people might experience the same place in very different ways. That difference in perception is the difference in the two people’s worldview. The Prime Imperative of the life field is for conscious self to align personal reality with the actual nature of local reality.
Point of View
The underlying assumptions held by personality when determining how to relate to its environment. Conscious self’s point of view is based on its worldview and understanding. While every experience goes to modify worldview, worldview colors perception of all subsequent experiences. See the Point of View essay.
Progression is a measure of personality’s understanding. A fundamental assumption of the Implicit Cosmology is that personalities produce aspects of themselves to gain understanding about their environment. A measure of understanding is progression from initial expression of curiosity to realization of understanding. From the perspective of Source, creation is with the intention to understand. Understanding is hierarchical; the nested fields are collapsed with each advance in understanding.
Based on the Prime Imperative, Source is still learning and doing so through its aspects. Given that understanding is an acquired characteristic of personality, the worldview of an aspect must include a subset of its source’s understanding and the results of an urge to gain further understanding (targeted by its source). The theory holds that, as the aspect personality gains understanding, it becomes more perceptually in agreement with its source.
Personality’s behavior is limited only by the organizing principles. Personality must learn to live in accordance with those principles; however, it has the option to ignore them, in which case, the result will likely not be as intended.
In Hinduism, Karma is often described as a system of merits and demerits, earned by good or bad behavior. With close examination of the Karmic Law, it is apparent that it is really all about learning to live in accordance with the organizing principles. For instance, a person has the option to put a hand in fire. The resulting burned hand is not bad karma, but failure to understand nature. Knowing better than to put a hand in fire is an example of understanding the principles of nature.
Self-determination is essentially the same as freedom of choice. The main difference is that determination implies informed behavior while choice may easily be based on the flip of a coin.
Suspended Judgment
Increased understanding may come from unexpected or unwanted outcomes. As we mature into adults, worldview—what we unconsciously think is true about the world—is mostly populated with cultural beliefs. These beliefs are too often local prejudices and baseless lore that, if acted on, may lead us into a less than beneficial way of living. From this perspective, the purpose of life can be described as a quest to align worldview with the true nature of reality; that is, to replace beliefs with correct understanding.
A good way to take control of our unconscious mental processes is the practice of mindfulness. By consciously making the practice of suspended judgment a habitual part of our relationship with our environment, it is possible to train our unconscious perceptual process and thereby gain understanding that might not come if we simply accepted our first impressions.
Suspended judgment involves avoiding good-bad, agree-disagree, believe-disbelieve decisions about experiences so as to allow time—sometimes months—for more information to develop. It is important to be responsible for our actions, including seeking to accomplish specific tasks. The idea is that realizing something other than an intended result does not mean failure. Instead, the unexpected result offers an opportunity to reevaluate the assumptions on which the actions were based. See the Mindfulness Essay
Suspended Judgment can be considered a more contemporary expression of the Law of Detachment. Deepak Chopra provides a good description of the Law of Detachment, but it begins with “In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty…” and continues with rather old-consciousness terms.
The idea of the Law of Detachment is that being set on a particular result of some effort will blind us from seeing the potential benefits of alternative results. But there is a problem of literal interpretation, as people instinctively reject the notion that they should be detached when virtually everything in society tells them to become engaged.
The principle of suspended judgment supports a more general perspective. Our unconscious mental processes are hard-wired to make decisions. That means there is an accept, reject or narrowly defined conditional accept decision for everything we do, sense or visualize. Consciously deciding to replace a reject outcome with a wait and see response teaches the unconscious mind to be more lenient in the conditional accept decision. This has the potential to make the content of worldview more accessible to evolution toward greater understanding.
Understanding is perception of reality as it is and not as it is believed to be. Experience becomes understanding as personality aligns personal reality with local reality. A fundamental concept in the Implicit Cosmology is that personality exists to experience, gain understanding from that experience and return that understanding to the Collective. Understanding is seen as being a quality of personality, and is therefore, the quality determining perceptual agreement. Understanding is a measure of progression.
The creative process is based on the intention to express an aspect of reality based on informed visualization. The outcome of the Creative Process is dependent on a visualized objective based on current understanding which is held in worldview. It is necessary to have a clear idea of the desired outcome. More clarity in the visualization means a more specific outcome. The emphasis here is on informed. The more this understanding agrees with reality, the more realistic can be the imagined outcome. Think of this as the matrix around which the expression will coalesce..
Worldview is a learned response moderated by understanding. As one of the functional areas of the life field, worldview appears as a thoughtform containing the memory, knowledge and point of view of the personality. It is much like a database. When a person is born, the worldview database is essentially empty, but it has a front-end algorithm which represents personality’s maturity as its degree of progression and an inclination toward experiences that offer the opportunity for specific areas of understanding.
The worldview database is populated by culture, family, media, religion and schools as biased by the front-end algorithm. It is the worldview that acts as a filter to determine how the person reacts to situations–prejudices, beliefs, acceptance or rejection of information. Worldview follows a person through transition and influences postmortem experiences.
Worldview resists change, but evolution of worldview occurs in small increments with ambiguous outcomes of the Perceptual Loop. Creative solutions to environmental challenges, if they do not represent radical changes, are expected to evolve worldview.