– Seeking 101 Index
Introduction We exist to gain understanding of our world through experience, thereby furthering our collective’s understanding of reality. We do this with the habitual expression of intention to understand the…
Discourse 1: Lucidity
Seeking 101 Think of yourself as two people sharing the same body. One is your inner seeker, ever striving to be at one with nature and your spiritual…
Discourse 2: The One Thing
Seeking 101 Also see: The Hermes Concepts Metaphysical View of John 14 The Razor’s Edge – Katha Upanishad The One Thing Christmas is for Compassion The need to consciously seek…
Discourse 3: The Meaningful Way
Seeking 101 Introduction Our modern spirituality began with Hermetic Egypt some 6,0 00 years ago. We can follow the Hermetic teaching to the Indus Valley Civilization. Some 4,000 years ago,…
Discourse 4: Christmas is for Compassion
Seeking 101 Began as a talk to the Spiritualist Society Art in the button is from Pixabay Winter by DeeDee51 Button is from pixabay, user: geralt Also see: The Hermes…
Discourse 5: Spiritual Anatomy
Seeking 101 This essay is intended to explain the essence of our spiritual anatomy. The assumptions used here are based on current mainstream and parapsychological science and lessons learned from…
Discourse 6: Contemporary Pioneers
Seeking 101 The NSAC defines Spiritualism as “the Science, Philosophy and Religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of Mediumship, with those who live…
Elements of a Useful Theory of Consciousness
Opinion 19 Version 2 changes: Change “spatial” to “dimensionless” in the description of reality as a dimensionless singularity that is conceptually infinitely large. Version 3 changes: Moved IONS essay reviews…
Quora – Becoming Spiritually in Tune
I enjoy answering questions on Quora. Some of my responses have been compiled into a book. All can be read at https://www.quora.com/profile/Tom-Butler-79. This answer offers a brief overview of how…
The Seeker’s Way
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Alike 3.0 Unported License Roman chariot image from publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Roman-chariot-image/57989.html Abstract In the context of this paper, seekers are people who have the sense of being more than…