Two Mind Model

I have found it useful to model a person as an immortal self entangled with a human in an avatar relationship. As shown in the Life Field Anatomy Diagram above, the Intelligent Core Represents the attractor that binds the functional areas of the symbiotic life field. It is modeled as Mind 1.

The Morphogenic Mind represents the host or avatar as a biological organism (Mind 2). An assumption of the cosmology is that the biological organism has an independent existence, but that its expression-perception functions are shared with the symbiotic Mind 1 during entanglement.

By thinking of a person as a symbiotic life field sharing the formation of expression and perception with a second life field functioning as an avatar, it becomes easier to realize the extent of influence human instincts have on behavior.

Based on observation, the avatar’s influence of Attention Complex sharing is dominant unless overridden by the mindful expression of discerning intellect. If true, that would seem to indicate that people are first instinctual and then mindful.

The Implicit Cosmology is illustrated here. While I am using the Implicit Cosmology as an example, the above diagram illustrates functions that seem necessary for a useful model. Note that:

  • The model represents nonphysical functions of mind.
  • Perception, which is that which a person becomes consciously aware, is derived from expression. In turn, expression is formed in an iterative process described here as the Perceptual Loop.
  • The Perceptual Loop is moderated by Worldview which represents cultural influences, human instincts, discerning intellect and memory. This information (influence) is biased by the influence of temperament, learning styles and possible prior understanding. Understanding is characterized here as discerning intellect producing greater lucidity.
  • Intention appears to be the only influence exerted by aware self on the Perceptual Loop. That would be a “small force” influence on the content of Worldview.
  • The Lucidity Feedback Test represents the question “Is this what I intended?” The model assumes that what is consciously intended is compared to perception of what was expressed. See the Formation of Perception Diagram below.
  • All functions operate in real time and are free running. Time scale appears to be microseconds.

If nonlocal, long-lived consciousness is considered:

  • External expression may be a psychokinetic etheric-physical influence such as movement commands for the body or an etheric-etheric influence such as a thought intended for another life field.
  • Environmental signals might be from the body senses but might also be from other life fields.

If the Survival Hypothesis is considered:

  • In this cosmology, the life field is considered the building block thoughtform. As such, reality consists of a nested hierarchy of life fields and their expressions. The physical is modeled as an expression.
  • Life fields are modeled as a core intelligence (The Observer), An Attention Complex (The Judge) and an Aware Self (The Experiencer). During embodiment, entanglement between the avatar and the symbiont is thought to be a sharing of conscious self (perception) and Attention Complex. If so, the momentum of Worldview would seem to necessitate (a period of readjustment after biological death. Seekers learn that greater lucidity means clearer perception, especially when human instincts are absent.


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