
Norms of Paranormal Phenomena

Normal Paranormal Here is an interesting idea. Many forms of psychokinesis are seen as resulting from the influence of intention on a random process. What I refer to as transform EVP…

User: Tom Butler

Archive from Tom Butler’s Wikipedia user page This is how my personal Wikipedia page appeared in July 2011. It is saved here because there are occasional efforts by the skeptical…

Guns: Changing the Dialogue

Abstract A society cannot afford to allow 200 year-old beliefs dictate as to how it prepares for the future. The very fact that amendments were added to the Constitution of…

The One Percent


What Does One Percent of Wealth Look Like? Just how rich are the rich? By comparison, how are the rest of us doing? It is not just that some people…

Social Responsibility

Government is an individual responsibility Only a rational society can expect “government of the people, by the people, for the people” to be a rational government Here in the United…

Introduction to Musings

This category includes miscellaneous essays and articles that I think represent important background issues for mindfulness. Interesting Links      How Global Warming Works      The Facts About Sea Level Rise      Ice2Sea: Estimating…

Notes on Survival

Consciousness Quantum Mysticism: The idea of quantum mysticism appears came from mainstream thinker’s efforts to identify people who are trying to use quantum theory to explain the existence of psi…

USA Becoming a Mean Spirited Corporation

I prefer to compartmentalize politics away from my writing. However, the current president and his supporting Republican Party is in the process of moving this country so far away from…


Ever Wonder Why Hitler Had So Many Willing Followers? It is easy for Trump supporters to pronounce with authority that the media is attacking Trump with fake news. “No, they aren’t” is not…

Predictions of WWIII

Many years ago, I read an article in which the author was predicting that World War III would be started when Ethiopia cut off the Blue Nile’s water flow to…

Review of Jeffrey Mishlove’s BICS Essay

Logo: Sharing – composite from BICS 2021 Essay Contest – Proof of Survival Rules of Evidence – Survival Review of Jeffrey Mishlove’s BICS Essay Review of Pim van Lommel’s BICS…

Review of Runner Up BICS Essays

Also see: BICS 2021 Essay Contest – Proof of Survival Rules of Evidence – Survival Review of Jeffrey Mishlove’s BICS Essay Review of Pim van Lommel’s BICS Essay Review of…


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