Implicit Cosmology Concepts

About Etheric Studies

Based on a Flammarion Engraving. Button is from pixabay, user: geralt Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Alike 3.0 Unported Licens It is for me to explain what I have learned. It is…

Comparing Personality-Body Models

Abstract The survival hypothesis is often cited as a possible explanation for observed paranormal phenomena. The hypothesis is seldom defined further than to say that people are a physical body…

Etheric Fields

Abstract In designing a model to describe the implications of the Trans-Survival Hypothesis, it became clear that etheric space (greater reality, nonphysical) must be described in terms of conceptual influences,…

Etheric Studies Glossary of Terms

These terms are defined specifically for transcommunication and the Implicit Cosmology.   A      B     C     D     E     F     G      H      I      J      …

Holographic ITC

Abstract A hypothesis is proposed to explain why multiple face-like features are often found in individual frames of recorded video-loop noise. Introduction In the video-loop technique for visual ITC, a…

Implicit Cosmology


Abstract As a field of study, ITC provides an important perspective of consciousness, survival of consciousness and what it means to be a citizen of the greater reality. The relationship…

Introduction to Concepts

Introduction to Metaphysical Concepts A concept is a fundamental idea; a root thoughtform from which systems of thought can be derived. For instance, the concept of something to protect a foot…

Life Field

Introduction Based on black box analysis of life, its characteristics are modeled here as functional areas that help to explain the Implicit Cosmology. While they are not new, they are…

Organizing Principles

Principles by Category Given that there is a Source, then the following Principles might be true: Reality   Collective Entanglement Fields Evolving Influence Nested Hierarchy Organizing Principles Prime Imperative Time…


Introduction to As A Man Thinketh by James Allen, 1902 The objective of “This little volume” is “to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth…

Perceptual Agreement

Abstract Fundamental to the Implicit Cosmology is the idea that reality consists of Source, aspects of source and the expression of Source and its aspects. Seeing Source as the “top…


Abstract From the perspective of the Implicit Cosmology, traditional body-mind-spirit can be seen as three life fields: The life field associated with the human body is more better seen as…

Point of View

Introduction “Point of view” is a person’s “I think the world looks like this” perspective. This essay addresses point of view from the physical body or body-centric perspective. In this…


Abstract Reality is seen in the Implicit Cosmology as an evolving and relative characteristic of all there is. And here, “all there is” must be defined as the life field…



Abstract The Implicit Cosmology is concerned with the nature of reality. To provide an initial condition and boundaries, a first cause is proposed much as the “Big Bang” offers an…

The Cosmology of Imaginary Space

Abstract A way of thinking about the organization of reality is proposed as an alternative to “vibration” as a description for relative “spiritual” maturity, “higher” or “lower” for a way…

The Creative Process


Abstract Perhaps the most fundamental function of life is creation of the environment. This paper describes the creative process from the metaphysical perspective of the Implicit Cosmology and explores some…

Trans-Etheric Influences

Abstract In the article, The Formation of EVP (Summer 2009), three techniques for the formation of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) were discussed: Transform, EVPmaker and speech synthesis stimulated with detection…


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