

Reality is seen in the Implicit Cosmology as an evolving and relative characteristic of all there is. And here, “all there is” must be defined as the life field referred to in this cosmology as Source. That would make Source’s life field the reality field. Reality is “relative” because as it is perceived by individuals, it is a personal aspect of reality. As it is experienced by individuals, it is a local aspect of reality.

If Source is just an aspect of an even greater reality, then that greater reality must be treated as being well beyond the scope of this cosmology. Here, all things begin with Source as a basic assumption.


Not in so many words, but the Implicit Cosmology begins with “In the beginning, there was only Source.” All else follows. This is an unsubstantiated “given” and is not intended to be taken as truth in any way. As an engineer, I have been trained to close a system by considering all of the foreseeable external influences and internal outputs as part of a design. The Implicit Cosmology is specifically intended to provide a possible relationship amongst a person, the person’s mind and the environment mind might inhabit if it is, indeed, independent of body. Like mainstream scientists seeking to close their model of the universe an initial singularity (Big Bang), I found it necessary to have a beginning. So…

Everything is reality, as in “the one reality; the reality field.” In the Implicit Cosmology, reality is modeled as consisting only of life fields and the expressions of life fields. The major functional areas of a life field as described in this cosmology are shown in the diagram at the right.

Expression occurs in two forms: as the differentiation of reality by forming an aspect of self, which is a life field, usually to experience some part of reality, and as the formation of ideoplastic structures (objects) in reality which begin as a concept. all life fields are conceptual (nonphysical). If structures (including living organisms) are expressed into the physical aspect of reality, they must be “embodied” via the expenditure of physical effort. For organism, this effort would include an evolutionary process. See: The Creative Process essay

Personality is the intelligent core of a life field and the organizing influence of itself and its expressions. When it expresses an aspect of itself (creates a “Little Me”), that aspect inherits characteristics and remains entangled with its source. There is expected to be a one-to-many relationship between personalities and their aspects.

As the intelligent core of reality, Source is considered the top life field. It is modeled as having expressed curiosity about itself in the form of many aspects which inherit the curiosity as a Prime Imperative to gain understanding about their environment through experience. The personality of each life field expressed by Source is modeled as continuing the expression of sub-personalities to further explore “local” aspects of reality.

 In that way, reality consists of a Source as the top life field hosting a hierarchy of nested life fields. If there is an aspect of reality “beyond” source, that is, if Source is just an aspect of an even further removed first cause, such a greater reality is beyond the scope of this cosmology. Again, it is stipulated that reality began with a curious Source.

Complex Reality

As it is modeled in the Implicit Cosmology,  the initial state of existence is some form of field from which Source has evolved. Perhaps this field was little more than something that might be called presence, or perhaps, potential. It is modeled that in etheric space, thought is energy and states of energy include such influences as attention and intention. See: Creative Process essay

Potential represents expression that might come into being. Probably, every actual expression, such as a response of “I love you,” or the impetus behind the eventual embodiment of an imagined birdhouse, has many potential outcomes before one is selected and given reality.

In this cosmology, Source did come to be, and inherent in that coming into being were functional areas as shown in the Functional Areas of a Life Field Diagram (above) and the ordering rules described in the Organizing Principles essay.

It is important to this cosmology that, while these characteristics are present, each is more or less expressed, depending on circumstance. Principles are not seen as immutable, but can evolve as one of the potential outcomes of the Perceptual Loop. That possible change in worldview for one life field is thought to have a measure of influence on all other life fields in the related collective so that the change might be propagated across a collective.

As the first personality, Source became the intelligent core of its life field. It had worldview which contained its perception of what its local reality was like. In the beginning, that was all there was to reality, and it was likely pretty primitive by today’s standards.


Relative Reality

The next important ingredient was Source’s curiosity about its own nature. This curiosity amounted to curiosity about itself (the reality field), and the expression of that curiosity was aspects of itself created with the urge to understand its nature. Of course, as is discussed elsewhere in this cosmology, each aspect produced other aspects and expressed structures which acted as venues for experience for those aspects. Reality is thought to have become very complex, and until all of the aspects are once again integrated with Source, that first cause will be learning. The nature of the reality field will be relative to the observer.

Source has a worldview which represents what it thinks of reality. As a life field, it would presumably have a local reality, which would likely be represented by the worldview of its entangled aspects that resulted from the first round of differentiation. However, the nature of that aspect of reality would drift from this perception with each round of aspectation as personalities developed unique personal realities.

 A second complicating factor must be considered here. Each personality has the ability to produce ideoplastic expressions based on its understanding, thus causing their local reality to change and Source’s sense of its environment (personal reality) to be increasingly out of date. That is an important assumption of the Implicit Cosmology. Source will come to understand itself as the new understanding of individual aspects “return.”

In the Principle of Aspectation Diagram above, complexity of reality will increase as the perspective changes from Source toward the Venues. However, as progression of the personalities becomes complete, the difference between source and the “perceptually most remote venue should decrease.

 If quantum principles are considered, this might be seen as a relatively infinite number of aspect personalities individually expressing (creating) their personal reality (collapsing the waveform?) according to their understanding, and upon experiencing that newly expressed version of their local reality, creating it again to better agree with their “No not that, but maybe this” reaction. In this view, it would seem that whatever began reality and for whatever reason, in the quantum view, reality would probably be seen as something of a “runaway train” that is destined to perpetual revision. However, a fundamental assumption in metaphysics is that reality is knowable. In effect, the principles should bound expression toward some grand attractor called understanding.

Here too, the analog of the Mandelbrot Set seems to apply. The mathematical calculation used to plot the number set begins with an initial state C which is the value of one of the points in the number set. The outcome of the calculation replaces C and the calculation is repeated. When plotting this calculation, a color is assigned to each point, depending on if it goes to infinity very quickly (usually a light color), if it is still substantially changing after a predetermined number of calculations (usually a midrange color or intensity) or if it stabilizes within as narrow range (usually black).

Using this as an analog for degree of understanding (how close is personal reality to actual reality), and letting C represent the personality’s assumption, then the longer the more stable output represents more “correct” understanding. Understanding, then, would be the black regions which are fractals of the top feature compared here to Source. Those lessor fractals might be compared to collectives of personalities.

Put another way, it is probably impossible to know if worldview is correct. The only way to know appears to be testing it (the Mandelbrot Set calculation). If the understanding represented in worldview is repeatedly shown to be largely correct, then at some point, it becomes reasonable to say at least that part of worldview is aligned with the true nature of reality; it approaches understanding.

Noting the difference forms of reality:

  • Physical Universe: physical aspect of reality.

  • Near Locale: the region of reality that includes the physical and some indeterminate portion of the collective’s local reality. This term becomes useful when one considers what happens to etheric communicators when they say that they must “go on” and then cease to communicate. It is also worth noting that the locale is the collective’s personal reality.

  • Personal Reality: an individual’s experienced reality.

    • Imagined Reality: A special case of personal reality is involved in the creative process when personality imagines information from the environment in an effort to understand. When personality expresses an imagined aspect or structure, it is modifying reality and this modification then becomes part of local reality. See: Creative Process and Perception

  • Local Reality: that perceived by the community of common culture. If a room has two people in it, the two would share a local reality but would have two different personal realities.

  • Reality Field: reality in its entirety as Source’s life field, Source’s personal reality and local reality and all of the aspects of reality in the reality field.

In the context of the Implicit Cosmology, the term, “reality” is similar to the universe concept  in the physical-centric view. As the universe is composed of galaxies, solar systems, suns and planets, so reality is composed of personal and local realities. Keep in mind that the local reality of a personality is very substantial, as far as that person is concerned.


Differential in Reality (Speculation)

If Source’s life field is the reality field, then Source’s local reality would be its perception of itself. In this way, Source’s personal reality would be the foundation (background) aspect of reality.

Source’s personal reality and the aspects of Source (first round of aspectation) would represent Source’s local reality. that would be different from what Source thinks of itself, and so it might be correct to think of it as the first differential of the foundation reality.

Each round of aspectation would represent aspects of reality that are more removed from what Source thinks of itself. Each round might be modeled as stacked differentials from the first differential.

An interesting speculation concerns “Zero Point Energy.” Zero-point energy is what remains after all other energy has been removed from a system. A possibly related term is the “cosmological constant” which is the value of the energy density of the vacuum of space. Both of these concepts suggest that the physical universe has a baseline of energy which “floats” above an “absolute” zero energy potential.

Is it possible that the difference between Source’s personal reality and the physical universe is seen in this difference in potential? Perhaps each round of aspectation, their resulting differential from fundamental reality, added a little to this difference. If one were to go to some round of aspectation between “here” and “there,” would the cosmological constant be less?


A characteristic of association amongst a hierarchy of personalities is entanglement, which is a bond that becomes established when a personality produces an aspect of itself (differentiation). In this way, conscious self is seen as entangled with its source personality, which in turn is entangled with its source and so on.

Parallel to the hierarchy of personalities are nested aspects of reality in which the reality field, local reality and personal reality of this scenario can be considered “nested” sub realities or venues for learning. Some aspects of sub realities would be shared venues for learning providing shared experiences for some personalities or collectives. As such, the physical universe is seen as the physical aspect of reality in which entangled conscious selves (people) share the general nature of the physical via their avatar but have personal points of view (personal reality) codified in their worldview.

Imagined aspects of the reality would persist so long as they are held in the attention of at least one personality. Once attention is withdrawn, the sub-reality would persist as a memory in the collective understanding.

Reality in Spiritualism

In Spiritualism, God is known as Infinite Intelligence, and all that is, is the expression of Infinite Intelligence–not as a person expresses, but as reality is ordered by organizing principles which emanate from Infinite Intelligence. As such, Infinite Intelligence is the same as Source, as used in this cosmology, but with one important exception. That is, as the top life field, Source is identified with the characteristics of curiosity and the ability to express aspects of itself to satisfy that curiosity. In Spiritualism, Natural law, emanating from Infinite Intelligence, is said to be immutable, and as such, Infinite Intelligence is necessarily fixed.


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